  • 學位論文


To explore the interaction and conflict between police and the masses in social movements by the view of social empathy - take the 318 student movement for example.

指導教授 : 陳慈幸


2014年3月18日,大批的學生與民眾聚集在立法院前,針對「海峽兩岸服務貿易協議」的審議程序草率表達不滿,後來以學生為首的群眾更是衝進立法院內部,並以佔領立法院議場的方式企圖促使政府退回服貿協議的審查。現場群眾在3月23日晚間更因佔領行政院的行動爆發警民嚴重的流血衝突,最後學生與政府達成協議在4月10日退出議場,結束24天、585小時的佔領行動。期間造成社會大眾熱烈的討論,警察人員的執法方式也成為社會矚目的焦點之ㄧ。 本研究採用質性訪談方式蒐集資料,並採取半結構式的深度訪談,受訪對象為曾經參與318學運的國立中正大學學生及警察人員各3位、共6位,透過訪談了解參與受訪者時的所見所聞。研究結果發現學生與警察人員之間雖然在參與學運的出發點即不相同、對於執法方式及法律的解讀上也以利已為出發點,但透過親自參與318學運,雙方經過現場的互動仍然可以提升彼此的認同度,並且縮小認知的差距,此一部分與社會性同理理論相符。 最後,根據本研究結果,研究者也針對目前警察在實務工作方面提出下列建議:(1)互相尊重,耐心聆聽、(2)建立聯繫窗口,縮小認知差距、(3)妥善運用新媒體,即時傳遞正確訊息、(4)增修法令。


March 18, 2014, a large number of students and citizens gathered in front of The Legislative Yuan Republic of China to review procedures "Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement" that resulted in hasty expression of dissatisfaction, and later the student-led mass rushed inside the legislature and occupied the legislature Conclave as a way of prompting the government to return the service to review trade agreements. In March 23 evening more action by interaction of the Executive Yuan police resulted in serious outbreak of bloodshed; the final agreement between the Government and the students to quit Conclave was on April 10, the end of 24 days, 585 hours of the occupation. During the public-heated discussion, police enforcement approach has also become the focus of attention of the society. This study used qualitative interviews to gather information and take depth semi-structured interviews, 318 sunflower student movement respondents had participated in the student movement of National Chung Cheng University. Students and staff of the three police, a total of six, through interviews with respondents in order to understand participation of what they saw and heard. The results found that the starting point for participation in the student movement, was not the same as for the enforcement approach and facilitation of the law reading, but 318 sunflower student movement through the personal involvement of students, as two sides, being students and police personnel interact to enhance mutual acceptance, and to narrow the gap between cognitive and social empathy; and this part of the theory is consistent. Finally, according to the results of this study, the researchers also made the following recommendations for the current police work in practice: (1) mutual respect and patience to listen, (2) establish contact window and narrow perception gap, (3) the proper use of new media and instant sending of the right message, (4) Amendment Act of Law.


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