  • 學位論文


A Study of Requirements of the Active Aging Education for the Middle-Aged and Older Adults: Using the Tsou Tribe in Alishan Township as an Example

指導教授 : 魏惠娟


本研究旨在探索阿里山鄉鄒族之中高齡者對於活躍老化五個學習層面的教育需求,以及瞭解提供給鄒族中高齡者的課程類型與內容,進而歸納研究結果,提出鄒族中高齡者活躍老化教育的建議。為達研究目的,本研究採用質性研究法,並以結構式訪談的方式對六位45歲以上的阿里山鄉鄒族中高齡者進行訪談,藉此本研究獲得以下十項結論: 一、為鄒族中高齡者提供的學習課程共有兩個單位,分別是嘉義縣阿里山鄉樂齡學習中心與嘉義縣原 住民族部落大學。 二、嘉義縣阿里山鄉樂齡學習中心開設按比例規劃的活躍老化課程,但課程主題缺乏深化。 三、嘉義縣原住民族部落大學課程開設多元,但缺乏以促進活躍老化觀點為基礎的課程。 四、嘉義縣阿里山鄉樂齡學習中心、嘉義縣原住民族部落大學共同的推動困境:課程推動因不利交 通,較具挑戰。 五、鄒族男性中高齡者對「心靈成長層面」較為重視,而鄒族女性中高齡者對「人際關係層面」較為 重視;鄒族中高齡者對於「貢獻服務層面」最不重視。 六、在「生活安全」層面中,鄒族中高齡者認為首要需求是「居家安全」的學習主題,次要需求是 「緊急通報系統」的學習主題。 七、在「運動保健」層面中,鄒族中高齡者認為首要需求是「規律運動」的學習主題,次要需求是 「營養常識」的學習主題。 八、在「心靈成長」層面中,鄒族中高齡者認為首要需求是「信 仰學習」的學習主題,次要需求是 「學習正向思考」的學習主題。 九、在「人際關係」層面中,鄒族中高齡者認為首要需求是「家人相處」的學習主題,次要需求是 「社團活動」的學習主題。 十、在「貢獻服務」層面中,鄒族中高齡者認為首要需求是「親友照顧」的學習主題,女性鄒族中高 齡者認為次要需求是「動手做課程」的學習主題。 本研究依結果與結論提出建議,供政府機關、高齡教育相關機構、中高齡者和未來研究者之參考。


This study aimed to explore the education requirements in five learning aspects in relation to active aging of the middle-aged and older adults in the Tsou Tribe in Alishan Township, find out the types and contents of the courses provided to the middle-aged and older adults in the Tsou Tribe, summarize the research findings, and come up with some suggestions regarding the active aging education for the middle-aged and older adults in the Tsou Tribe. To this end, this study applied the qualitative research method and conducted structured interviews with 6 members aged over 45 from the Tsou Tribe in Alishan Township. Hence, the researcher listed the following specific purposes: 1. There were two organizations providing learning courses for the middle-aged and older adults in the Tsou Tribe, namely the Chiayi County Alishan Township Senior Citizens Learning Center and the Chia Yi County Indigenous Tribal University. 2. The Chiayi County Alishan Township Senior Citizens Learning Center provided active aging courses pro rata. However, the subjects of these courses were not deep enough. 3. The Chia-Yi County Indigenous Tribal University provided diversified courses, while lacking courses based on the viewpoint of facilitating active aging. 4. The common difficulty encountered by both the Chiayi County Alishan Township Senior Citizens Learning Center and the Chia Yi County Indigenous Tribal University: Due to the inconvenience of communications and transportation, it was challenging to promote their courses. 5. The male middle-aged and older adults in the Tsou Tribe valued the "spiritual growth aspect" more, while the female ones valued the "interpersonal relationship aspect" more. The aspect the middle-aged and older adults in the Tsou Tribe least valued was the "contribution and service aspect". 6. Regarding the "life safety", the middle-aged and older adults in the Tsou Tribe believed that among the requirements, the one of the highest priority was "home safety" learning subjects, followed by the "emergency alerting system" learning subjects. 7. Regarding the " exercising and health care ", the middle-aged and older adults in the Tsou Tribe believed that among the requirements, the one of the highest priority was " regular exercise " learning subjects, followed by the " nutritional knowledge " learning subjects. 8. Regarding the "spiritual growth aspect", the middle-aged and older adults in the Tsou Tribe believed that among the requirements, the one of the highest priority was " religion learning " learning subjects, followed by the " positive thinking " learning subjects. 9. Regarding the " interpersonal relationship aspect ", the middle-aged and older adults in the Tsou Tribe believed that among the requirements, the one of the highest priority was " getting along with family " learning subjects, followed by the " club activity " learning subjects. 10.Regarding the " contribution and service aspect ", the middle-aged and older adults in the Tsou Tribe believed that among the requirements, the one of the highest priority was " being looked after by relatives and friends " learning subjects,followed by the " DIY courses " learning subjects. To sum up, the results of this study can provide suggestions for middle-aged adults, the institution of older adult educational, the government, and future research as future reference.


