  • 學位論文


Smart Green Uninterruptible Power System

指導教授 : 熊博安 博士


由於再生能源發電後除了供給輸配電使用以外,並可將多餘的電量儲存於蓄電池,以備隨時使用之。蓄電池的充放電的方式將會影響蓄電池的壽命,甚至損害蓄電池。為了延長電池的使用壽命,充電與放電將要有良好的模式來保護蓄電池。 有蓄電池儲存的再生能源發電系統,會將蓄電池的直流電經換流器變為與市電相同的交流電,以供負載使用,其中就會牽涉到再生能源的發電量、負載的使用量將會影響蓄電池的電量。 本文將研製一套鉛酸蓄電池充電與放電的保護,藉由控制充電與放電之間做負載電源的自動切換,以達到充分的使用再生能源的發電量,並且能延長鉛酸蓄電池的使用壽命,提供負載一個不斷電的電源供給。 在系統測試實驗中,市電均充功能將電池組個別電壓差距從原本的0.17V,下降至0.06V,有效改善電池組均衡電量。在鉛酸電池壽命實驗中,經本系統保護的電池a,在實驗30次後其端電壓比未經本系統保護的電池b,端電壓高出0.16V,表示經本系統保護的電池a老化程度比較慢,使用壽命比較長。由實驗證明本系統確實能夠發揮其用電控制,以及保護鉛酸電池延長壽命之功能。


Electricity generated by renewable energy resources can be used to support the transmis-sion and distribution of power. If the energy is in excess, it can be stored in batteries and be used at a future time. The life span of batteries depends on the way of charging and discharging, and can even be damaged during this process. To extend the life of batteries, it is necessary to protect them by using an adequate way of charging and discharging. The power system of renewable energy in batteries storage will change the direct current of batteries to alternative current, which is similar to that of the power of electric equip-ment in the market through the inverter. It is used for loads and involves generating ca-pacity and the amount of the load because it will affect power of batteries. In this thesis, we propose a platform of protective devices with charging and discharging of lead-acid batteries. It is switched on automatically by controlling iv charging and discharging in the load power to the full use of renewable energy, generating capacity and extending the life of lead-acid batteries. The advantage of this is to provide an uninterruptible power sup-ply. In the system of test of the experiment, equalize function of electric equipment in the market made individual disparity of voltage downing to 0.06V and improveing balance power of the batteries effectively. In the test of lead-acid batteries’ life, voltage of Battery A protected by this system is higher 0.16V than voltage of Battery B without protection after the 30 times experiments. That is, Battery A’s degree of aging is more slowly than Battery B’s and life is also longer. Experiments prove that the system plays its role in ex-tending the life of lead-acid batteries via electrical control and protecting function.


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