  • 學位論文


The Correlative Study of Sociability, Public Self-Consciousness, and Loneliness among University Students

指導教授 : 林清文


本研究旨在探討大學生社交性、公眾自我意識及寂寞感間的關聯。依序探討大學生的寂寞感、社交性與公眾自我意識及其三者之性別差異,進而深究公眾自我意識對大學生社交性與寂寞感間關聯之調節效果的性別恆等性。   本研究之研究參與者為392名國內大學生,並以「寂寞量表」、「社交性量表」及「公眾自我意識量表」作為研究工具,進行調查問卷的施測。將所蒐集之實徵資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定及結構方程模式進行統計分析。研究結果摘要如下: 一、大學生具中低程度寂寞感,其寂寞感具性別差異的假設未得支持。 二、大學生具中高程度社交性,其社交性具性別差異,男性大學生較女性大學生具社交性,但此結果可能受量表題項內容及男性華人社會期許的題項反應傾向影響。 三、大學生具中高程度公眾自我意識公眾,其自我意識具性別差異的假設未得支持。 四、大學生社交性對其寂寞感具預測效果,表示愈具社交性大學生的寂寞感程度愈低。 五、大學生社交性對其寂寞感之預測效果不具性別恆等性,顯示男性及女性大學生社交性與寂寞感間關聯強度有所不同。而且,女性大學生社交性對其寂寞感之負向預測效果強度比男性大學生要來得強。 六、公眾自我意識對大學生社交性與寂寞感間關聯具調節效果,表示愈具公眾自我意識大學生的社交性對其寂寞感之負向預測效果愈強。 七、公眾自我意識對大學生社交性與寂寞感間關聯之調節效果不具性別恆等性,表示男性及女性大學生公眾自我意識對其社交性與寂寞感間關聯之調節效果強度有所不同。其中,愈具公眾自我意識男性大學生的社交性對其寂寞感之負向預測效果愈強,但公眾自我意識對其寂寞感則不具預測效果。另一方面,公眾自我意識對女性大學生社交性與寂寞感間關聯不具調節效果,而社交性和公眾自我意識各自對其寂寞感具預測效果。   本研究針對上述研究結果加以討論,並提出各項關於大學生社會適應議題的建議,提供給諮商相關從業人員及未來研究者,作為實務工作與學術研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between sociability, public self-consciousness and loneliness among university. Public self-consciousness would moderate the association between sociability and loneliness. Gender difference in loneliness, sociability and loneliness was examined in the present study.   The sample consisted of 392 domestic university students. The instruments used in this study included “Loneliness Scale”, “Sociability Scale”, and “Public Self-Consciousness Scale”. The empirical data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent-sample t-test, and structural equation modeling. The findings of this study were as follows: 1.Loneliness of university students is low-intermediate. There are no gender difference loneliness among university students. 2.Sociability of university students is high-intermediate. There are gender difference on sociability among university students that reveals male students are more sociable than females. However, this result might be caused by item content of the scale and Chinese males’ social desirability responses to the scale. 3.Public self-consciousness of university students is high-intermediate. There are no gender difference on public self-consciousness among university students. 4.Sociability could predict university students’ loneliness that reveals the more sociable university students would report a lower level of loneliness. 5.There is no gender invariance on the predictive effect of sociability on their level of loneliness among university students that reveals the male university students’ relationship between sociability and loneliness is different from their female counterparts’. Furthermore, there is more strength of the female university students’ negative predictive effect of sociability on their level of loneliness than their male counterparts’. 6.There is moderating effect of public self-consciousness on the relationship between sociability and loneliness among university students that reveals there is more strength of the negative predictive effect of sociability on their level of loneliness among the more public-conscious university students. 7.There is no gender invariance on the moderating effect of public self-consciousness on the relationship between sociability and loneliness among university students that reveals the male university students’ moderating effect of public self-consciousness on the relationship between sociability and loneliness is different from their female counterparts’. Moreover, there is more strength of the male university students’ negative predictive effect of sociability on their level of loneliness among more public-conscious ones, but public self-consciousness could not predict their loneliness anymore. On the other hand, there is no moderating effect of public self-consciousness on the relationship between sociability and loneliness among the female university students, yet sociability and public self-consciousness could still predict their loneliness separately.   According to the findings above, this study provided suggestions for counseling practitioners and future research.


