  • 學位論文


The experiences of counselors and guidance counselors in “Student Guidance and Counseling Act” advocacy action

指導教授 : 張景然


本研究目的為了解輔導諮商人員在推動《學生輔導法》過程中的倡導經驗,以及該倡導經驗與輔導諮商工作的影響。本研究邀請四位曾參與《學生輔導法》倡導行動的輔導諮商人員擔任受訪者,採用質性深度訪談法蒐集資料,資料分析參考現象學之步驟。本研究呈現受訪者之描述文以描繪個別狀態,同時對於受訪者的倡導內容與角色、如何進行倡導行動,以及推動倡導過程中,輔導諮商人員的利弊得失與反思進行分析。 至於本研究發現,依照倡導歷程可分為起承轉合四部分:「起飛:進入倡導之初心」,輔導諮商人員投入《學生輔導法》倡導的原因為關心服務對象福祉、爭取主體性,以及透過法規實現理念;「振翼:投身倡導之工作」,輔導諮商人員參與《學生輔導法》倡導的經驗,包括採取多元策略、致力實現理念與連結同盟力量;「盤旋:開拓倡導之面向」,輔導諮商人員參與《學生輔導法》過程中面臨的困難與因應,例如接觸不同專業領域、持續溝通交流,以及沉著等待;「著陸:回首倡導之省思」,輔導諮商人員回顧整體倡導歷程,體悟到改革不易、留意體制影響,也認為現行體制仍有不足。 另外,本研究也發現一些值得深思的狀況,包括倡導能力較少被提及、社會地位影響倡導訴求受關注程度,以及輔導諮商人員參與倡導方式多元。最後,本研究對於輔導諮商人員與研究者,提供以下具體建議:輔導諮商人員應長期投入實務現場、接觸倡導議題、連結資源、持續溝通討論,以及堅定倡導行動;研究者則建議擴大研究樣本群與保持懸置狀況。


The purpose of this study was to explore the advocacy experience of counselors and guidance counselors who participated in the action of promoting “Student guidance and counseling act” and the influences on their works. On the basis of the aim of this study, graduate adopted phenomenological steps and in-depth interviewed 4 counselors and guidance counselors. The conclusions sorted by time were as following: Firstly, the reasons why counselors and guidance counselors participated in the advocacy action were concerned with the right of service objects, tended to establish the subjectivity, eagered to achieve the appeal via law. During the process of advocacy action, interviewees used many strategies, devoted to realize the appeal and strived their hardest to link the resources. In the meanwhile, interviewees had to deal with different profession workers, discussed with others, and try to do the best. “Student guidance and counseling act” passed in 2014, when counselors and guidance counselors looked back to review the advocacy experience, they realized that reformation is full of difficulties, concerned with the system and law than before, and thought the law should be more actual . Besides, based on the interview with interviewees, graduate found advocacy competence were rare to be mentioned, the degree of concern of advocacy appeal may be affected by social status, and counselors and guidance counselors used diversified ways when they engaged in advocacy action. According to the conclusions, this study puts forward some suggestions for counselors and guidance counselors and researchers to develop practice and future research directions. Counselors and guidance counselors were recommended to participate practice work for long-term, concern with advocacy issue, link the resources, discuss with others and keep the advocacy action. As for researchers, they were suggested to expand the study sample and keep epoché situation.


心理師法(2000年11月21 日)。
