  • 學位論文


A Study of Consumer Purchasing Behavior on Wooden Furniture in Kaohsiung city

指導教授 : 陳啟雄


本研究係以消費者的立場,以相關文獻探討進行資料蒐集與分析;同時進行實地問卷調查與分析的方式探討高雄市消費者對於木質家具購買行為、消費者購買過程決策、家具店屬性、家具產品屬性與購買滿意度,並以「因素分析法」將統計軟體分析出各屬性間相互影響的因素加以編組探討。 本研究將消費者購買行為、消費者購買過程決策、家具店屬性、家具產品屬性與滿意度屬性等重要影響因素加以深入研究,結究結果發現: 一、消費購買行為部份: (1)不論時代的演進、科技的發展,木材質家具仍受到消費者的喜愛。研究結果顯示婚姻狀況、工作性質與收入狀況對家具購買原因具有顯著影響。 (2)現今市場強調品牌行銷的概念,但研究結果顯示,高雄市消費者因為品牌形象而改變消費習慣並不顯著,可加強設計品牌的概念,以優良設計產品帶動品牌建立提升消費者之信心。 二、消費者購買過程決策部份: (1)商品資訊來源取得中,受訪者取得來源依序為:親身經驗、書報雜誌網路資訊及銷售人員介紹。 (2)多數消費者會在購買家具前詢問他人意見,其中以家人與朋友最多。 (3)量販型家具店在高雄陸續成立,其商品型錄成為消費者參考的資訊來源。 (4)評估家具品質優劣之因素依序為價格是否合理、家具店陳設之格調與印象、家具店信譽及自身對家具之認識。 (5)受訪者採購家具時間集中在週末與例假日的休閒時間為主。 (6)商店印象會反映在參觀家具店的地點中,以曾經去過、印象良好的店為主。 三、家具店屬性、家具產品屬性與滿意度評估部份: (1)16項家具店屬性部份萃取四個因素,依序為「個性化服務」、「行銷宣傳」、「品質信譽」、「便捷性」。 (2)13項木質家具屬性部份萃取三個因素,依序為「滿足感官需求」、「風格品味」與「品牌印象」。 (3)17項木質家具購後滿意度屬性部份萃取四個因素,依序為「個性化消費」、「加工技術與人體工學設計」、「折扣與信用消費」及「家具風格」。


This research standpoint of consumers, and collects information and analyze by review related documents; Meanwhile, it executes on-site questionnaire survey and analysis to discuss the wooden furniture purchasing behavior of Kaohsiung city, purchasing process policy, furniture shop attribution, furniture product attribution and satisfaction estimate mold, and uses the statistics software “Factor Analysis Approach” to analyze each attribution’s interact factors and discuss. This research includes the important factors such as consumers purchasing behavior, purchasing process policy, furniture shop attribution, furniture product attribution and satisfaction attribution, and after analyze we find: Part of purchasing behavior: (1)Despite time changing and technology developing, wooden furniture still is the favor of consumers. (2)The research shows that situation of marriage, nature of works and revenue will influence the result conspicuous. (3)Nowadays it emphasizes the concept of brand marketing in the market, but researches show that consumers will not change their purchasing habits just because of brand image. Part of consumers purchasing process policy: (1)The products information which survey candidates gain in the order are their experiences, newspaper and magazines, internet information and introduce by salespersons. (2)Most consumers will ask for other opinions, and they ask family and friends much. (3)Furniture hypermarkets open in Kaohsiung continually, and their catalogs become the consumers’ references. (4)The factors for furniture quality estimate in the order are reasonable price, display quality and impression, shop credit and self- reorganization of furniture. (5)Most survey candidates purchased furniture in the leisure time of weekend and holidays. (6)Shop image would reflect on where consumer visiting, like they had been before or they had good impressions. Part of furniture shop attribution, furniture product attribution and satisfaction estimate. (1)Four factors extracted from 16 furniture shop attributions, which in the order are “Personal service”, “Marketing advertisement”, “quality credit” and” Convenience.” (2)Three factors extracted from 13 wooden furniture attributions, which in the order are “Satisfy the sense demands”, “Style and taste” and “Brand image.” (3)Four factors extracted from 17 satisfaction attributions of after purchased wooden furniture, which in the order are “Personal consume”, “Processing technology and ergonomic design”, “Discount and credit consume” and “furniture styles.”


Questionnaire Consumers Behavior Brand Image


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