  • 學位論文


A Study of Paternal Involvement in the Foreign Spouse

指導教授 : 王淑清


本研究目的在於探討外籍配偶家庭中父職內涵與參與之情形,採用參與式觀察法、訪談法以及文件蒐集為研究方法,以了解外籍配偶家庭中的台籍父親父職參與生活經驗與生活樣貌。 本研究以兩位台籍父親作為研究對象,分別進行五次為時1-4個小時的參與式觀察,另外,再針對每位研究對象進行1-2次為時2-3個小時不等之深度訪談,並結合在研究過程中所蒐集到的文件資料作為輔助,運用情境式分析法的原則分析與整理文本資料。 本研究主要研究結果摘述如下: 一、外籍配偶家庭中父職內涵的展現: 1、為家庭主要經濟來源提供者 2、「積極」與「放任」不同的教育方式 3、幫助孩子才藝培養生涯規劃 4、投入心思引導孩子人格養成 二、外籍配偶家庭中父職參與現況與經驗: 1、外籍配偶家庭較缺乏協助初生育兒知識 2、教養子女經驗與理念受到父親原生家庭的影響甚大 3、父親的自身興趣容易決定大多親子活動類型 4、能提供孩子資源與陪伴,但參與程度高低不一 5、穩定的工作時間與經濟,增加親子互動機會 6、父親知覺自我能力的高低,會影響父職需求 7、跨文化的家庭組成影響父職參與的展現 8、傳統華人文化「父嚴母慈」管教態度有所轉變 9、 母親守門員造成父職選擇性參與 10、外籍妻子的教育程度與知能影響父職教養觀念 依上述研究結果,本研究針對家庭、學校與未來研究提出相關建議,提供未來研究者參考。


The purpose of this study was to explore the quality and involvement of the Taiwanese father in the foreign spouse families. To better understand the paternal involvement in daily activities and lifestyles in the family, participant observation, interviews and document collecting methods were used to collect data for research. Two Taiwanese fathers were chosen as the subjects in the study. The methods of data collection included in-depth interviews, participant observation and document gathering. One or two in-depth interviews ranging from two to three hours long were used to. Then, five participant observations, lasted from one to four hours long, were carried out. All document collection gathered during the study were incorporated as the database, and then analyzed and yielded text information based on the principle of scenario analysis. Based on the results of scenario analysis, this study reaches following conclusions: First of all, the paternal quality of the foreign spouse families ─ a. a breadwinner role of the family; b. positive versus indulging teaching styles; c. assisting children’s career development through after-school curricula; d. effort putting in nurturing children’s personality. Secondary, the paternal involvement of the foreign spouse families ─ a. the degree of the foreign spouse’s participation influences the paternal involvement; b. children educational experience and values is greatly affected from father’s family-of-origin; c. the education and knowledge of the foreign spouse influenced paternal teaching concept; d. foreign spouse families tends to lack knowledge on how to tender newborn babies; e. able to provide children with resources and keep them company; however, the involving level varies; f. stable working hours and income enhance parent-child interactions; g. paternal hobbies usually results in the types of father-child interaction; h. paternal self-perception interacts paternal needs. The research findings can be provided as further relevant suggestions for families, schools and future studies as reference and introspection on the issue.


