  • 學位論文


Study on Planning in Medicinal Plant Garden - A Case Study on Medicinal Botanical Garden in National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

指導教授 : 蔡龍銘


近年來全世界掀起一股回歸天然(Back-to-nature)的熱潮,綠色消 費成為醫療、保健及養生的良好選擇,加上台灣兼具寒、溫、熱等各型 氣候,因而植物資源相當豐富,許多專家學者評估,藥用植物是台灣最 具競爭力的生技產業之一;然而,在藥用植物的使用上多只注重其藥效, 卻忽略了其景觀造園之功用,因此若能將藥用植物的價值重置,將其多 元化發展,配合休閒健康養生的潮流與推廣教育外,將綠地重新規劃建 構成多元化空間,提供室外教育、認識植栽、培育休閒養生環境,提倡 藥用植物之應用達成教育學習、休閒養生、身心健康及生態保育之理想 境界。 本研究透過文獻回顧、資料收集等整理出符合之藥用植物,並藉由 案例調查了解藥用植物於現今景觀造園上之應用,歸納整理後將其結合 植栽設計理論與景觀規劃設計等相關理論後提出規劃原則,使藥用植物 引介至實際生活中。本研究成果如下: 一、 將植物生長習性運用至藥用植物園規劃設計上,以圖像思考方式列 出建議。 二、 建立台灣低海拔藥用植物園設立的參考資料庫 三、 規範藥用植物園在造園上應用的各種方式 關鍵字:藥用植物、景觀規劃、藥用植物園


In recent years, Back-to-nature has become a burst of whirlwind over the whole world. Green consumption has turned into a good choice for medical and healthy purpose. In addition, owing to various climate types from frigid, temperate and tropic climate, natural resources in Taiwan are quite abundant. It is forecasted by many experts and scholars that the usage of medicinal plants will soon become the focus of biotechnological industry in Taiwan. However, most attention on medicinal plants is for only their effects but their use for landscaping and gardening is ignored. If the value of medicinal plants can be rebuilt and diversely developed in terms of the trend of LOHAS life and continuing education. Then the lands re-planned or re-constructed serve to be a diverse space for outdoor education, plants cognition, LOHAS environment for the applications of medicinal plants. The creative ideal of education, LOHAS life, healthiness and ecosystem conservation shall be achieved. III This study presents conformed medicinal plants via documents review and data collection, addresses applications of medicinal plants on landscaping and gardening by case study, addresses planning principles after combining relevant theories of planting and landscape design, and introduces medicinal plants into real life in order to achieve below purposes: I. To apply plant characters to planning in medicinal botanic garden and list suggestions by pictures. II. To establish the referential database of low-altitudinal medicinal botanic garden in Taiwan. III. To stipulate every application of medicinal botanic garden to gardening. Key words: medicinal plant, landscape design, medicinal botanical garden

