  • 學位論文


The Study of Motivation,Situation Factors, Products Involvement and Willingness of Wines Purchasing

指導教授 : 林永順


在政府推動經濟自由化、國際化的既定政策下,我國經貿政策得顧及市場自由化,不得不開放酒類進口。遂自1987年起歐美之葡萄酒、啤酒及淡酒即長驅直入,進口酒類逐步分佔國內各大小酒類消費市場,使國產酒類之販售更為艱困。而在政府積極推動加入世界貿易組織(WTO),財政部依立法院決議,計畫在完成「菸酒管理法」及「菸酒稅法」立法程序後,在1995年廢止菸酒專賣,並在1996年度開始接受酒廠申請,採階段性開放民間申請酒廠。近年來由於政府嚴格取締酒後駕車及健康環保意識抬頭,消費者選擇中低酒精濃度的飲料,如啤酒(酒精濃度4-5%)、葡萄酒(酒精濃度10.5-15%)意願逐漸提高。事實上近兩年的葡萄酒進口量,皆已創下歷年來次高紀錄,只要正常發展的話,五年內再度挑戰1997年的紀錄,並非難事,台灣的葡萄酒市場,是相當有希望的。 本研究以問卷調查法分別探討台灣葡萄酒在購買意願、環境因素、產品涉入與購買動機上之關聯性。本研究結果如下: 1.探討消費者購買動機對購買意願之影響。2.探討消費者情境因素對購買意願之影響。3.探討消費者產品涉入對購買意願之影響。4.探討消費者購買動機對產品涉入 之影響。5.探討消費者情境因素對產品涉入之影響。 本研究結果證實,除了職業不具顯著影響外,其它的人口統計變項皆會影響消費者對葡萄酒的購買意願,但不同類別之葡萄酒產品其影響程度亦會有差異。以國產葡萄酒來看,男性比女性有較高的購買動機、產品涉入與購買意願;平均月收入在60,001元~90,000元間的家庭較易受情境因素刺激且有較高的購買意願;而年齡在30歲以上的消費者其產品涉入較高。從進口葡萄酒來看,男性在購買動機、情境因素與購買意願皆大於女性,教育程度為大學的消費者其產品涉入較高。


Under such the circumstances that the government promotes economic liberalization and internationalization, the policy which has been set, the liberalization of market must be taken into consideration in the national policy of economy and trade: the alcoholic drinks have to be imported. Since wine, beer, and light wine from America and Europe were imported directly in 1987, imported drinks have gradually shared the consuming market of alcoholic drinks, leading to the sale predicament of domestic drinks. Right after the government actively promoted the accession to the WTO, Ministry of Finance planned to complete the legislative procedure, namely “Management Law and Tax Law of Cigarettes and Wine” based on legislative resolution, in order to abrogate the sale monopoly of cigarettes and wine in 1995. It began to gradually accept brewery's application in 1996. Because the government has strictly banned driving after drinking and healthy, environmental consciousness has risen in the recent years, the consumers’ willingness to chose medium and low alcohol thickness has progressively increased, such as beer (4-5% of alcohol thickness), wine ( 10.5-15% of alcohol thickness). In fact, the imported quantity of wine in the nearly two years has reached the second high record over the years, and it is not difficult to once again challenge the highest record in 1997 within the five years, on the normal development. The wine market in Taiwan is quite promising. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between purchasing willingness, the situational factors, decision wade, and motivation of imported and domestic wine by means of questionnaire. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Purchasing motivation influenced purchasing willingness. 2. The situational factors influenced purchasing willingness.3.Purchasing decision wade was the important factor that promoted consumers’ purchasing willingness. 4. Purchasing motivation influenced consumers’ purchasing decision wade. 5. The situational factors were able to effectively influence consumers’ purchasing decision wade. The results of this study verified that other demographic variables, in addition to vocation that did not have significant influence, significantly influenced consumers’ purchasing willingness of wine, but the influential extents of wine production in form of different categories on purchasing willingness varied as well. In terms of domestic wine, male had more purchasing motivation, decision wade, and willingness of wine than did female. The family with the averagely monthly income from NT$60,001 to NT$90,000 was apt to be stimulated by the situational factors and had more purchasing willingness. In the aspect of wine imported, male had more purchasing motivation, situational factors, and willingness than did female, and the consumers with bachelor degrees had more Product Involvement.


Hair, J. F., W. C. Black, R. E. Babin, R. E. Anderson, and R. L. Tatham, 1972, Multivariate Data Analysis, 6th ed., Prentice-Hall, Inc.


阮志祿(2014)。觀光工廠品牌態度、服務價值與購買意願關係之研究 -以白蘭氏健康博物館為例〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-2502201617123038
