  • 學位論文


Activity Patterns and Habitat Uses of Larger Terrestrial Mammals in Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam

指導教授 : 裴家騏


日行為模式與棲地選擇是我們了解野生動物時重要的生態基礎資料。這涉及共域物種間的資源競爭以及生境分隔。在生態經營管理上,永續的資源分配是非常重要的。 吉仙國家公園 (Cat Tien National Park)是越南南部最大的低地熱帶雨林,境內的棲地與動物都有著很高的歧異度。雖然大部分的在地居民都已經被移出國家公園外,邊界周圍的人為活動以及國家公園內的非法活動都是威脅當地野生動物的嚴重問題。 在2006年七月到2007年七月間,在吉仙國家公園進行自動相機架設,也是當地第一次系統性的中大型哺乳動物調查。另外進行棲地因子的測量,以分析動物的日活動模式以及棲地選擇模式。總共架設70個自動相機樣點,回收209捲底片,4696張底片,3523個工作天。自動相機一共記錄到26種哺乳動物,15種鳥類,以及1種蜥蜴,另外目擊到4種哺乳動物。 共有3種哺乳動物因有足夠的相片而確定其日活動模式,包含夜行性的椰子貍 (Paradoxurus hermaphrodites),日行性的豬尾獼猴 (Macaca leonina),以及蹊鹿 (Tragulus javanicus)。另外有5種物種因為相片不足,活動模式僅做大略的分析以供參考。 在棲地選擇分析方面,共以14項棲地因子當作自變相,來分析超過30張有效照片的8種物種。基於不同物種所取得的資料型態有所不同,共使用三種廻歸分析,包含複廻歸,Negative Binomial Regression,以及Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Regression。其中以森林型態及與森林檢查哨間的最短距離為最重要的影響因子。 對這8種物種,以自動相機拍攝到的地點以及拍攝的頻度來討論其分布以及相對豐富度。對於其他有效照片不足的物種,利用動物痕跡以及直接目擊等資料,並參考前人調查結果,來盡可能瞭解其分布模式。 根據研究結果,人為干擾在吉仙國家公園已構成影響動物活動模式及棲地利用的因子,建議以森林檢查哨為基點,加強非法人為活動的管制。另外建議後續能針對樹棲型哺乳動物做調查,以求基礎資料的完整性,並持續對哺乳動物做全面性的長期監測。


Daily activity pattern and habitat selection are important ecological data for understanding wildlife conservation. The resource competition and niche division by sympatric animals, is vital for sustainable resource allocation in ecological management. Cat Tien National Park (CTNP), the largest lowland rainforest in South Vietnam, contains diverse habitats, sustaining a high biodiversity of fauna. Human activities however surrounding the boundary and illegal activities inside the national park are causing a serious problem, threatening this unique biodiversity. Camera trapping was used from July, 2006 to July, 2007 in CTNP to systematically survey the medium-to-large terrestrial mammal populations. Together with habitat factor measurement, daily activity pattern and habitat selection were analyzed. Seventy camera traps with 209 rolls of film were used, resulting in 4696 photographs from 3523 working days. Species confirmed present included 26 mammals, 15 birds, and one lizard from camera traps, with additional confirmation of four more mammal species from direct sightings. Daily activity patterns were confirmed in three species, including nocturnal common palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphrodites), diurnal species of pig-tailed macaque (Macaca leonina) and lesser mouse deer (Tragulus javanicus). Another five species with insufficient photographs were analyzed for reference. Fourteen independent variables are used in analysis of habitat selection of eight species with more than 30 useful photographs. Based on the data collected from different species, Multiple Linear Regression, Negative Binomial Regression, and Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Regression are used. Forest type and the distance to the nearest guard station are found to be the most influential factors in habitat selection. For the eight species, distribution and relative abundance are discussed from the locations of the camera traps and their frequency of occurrence. For the species with insufficient data from camera trapping, other animal tracks and direct sightings are used with former study results to get better understanding of their distribution. According to this research, human activity has become influential in animal activity patterns and habitat uses. Illegal human activities should be controlled based on the power of forest guard station. To make the database more comprehensive, arboreal mammal research is required. Long term monitoring toward non-specific mammals is necessary in understanding their population status and sustainable management.


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