  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Material Publishing Industry for Young Children–A Case Study of Chin–Chin Publications Ltd.

指導教授 : 吳淑琴


本研究旨在探討「親親文化事業」目前的產業現況、經營困難及針對困難點提出建議。本研究採深度訪談法,以「親親文化事業」為研究對象。研究工具為研究者自編的「親親文化事業有限公司經營現況調查表」及深度訪談大綱為主要研究依據。 本研究運用Porter五力分析模型,以新進入者的威脅、替代品的威脅、現有廠商的競爭程度、供應商的議價能力及購買者的議價能力此五種競爭動力,探討「親親文化事業」產業環境的現況,並藉由SWOT 分析「親親文化事業」產業內部經營所擁有的優勢與劣勢,及外部環境所面臨的機會與威脅。 Porter五力分析結果顯示,「親親文化事業」面臨資金不充足、替代品的獲利能力低、幼教出版產業成長緩慢、供應商的數量較少及購買者對產品價格、品質及服務等問題的威脅程度最高。其次,SWOT 分析結果顯示,「親親文化事業」的經營困難點,包括出版成本高、產品庫存量過甚、缺乏品牌行銷規劃、同業間競爭激烈、資本有限、少子化現象、整體經濟環境不佳、進口幼教出版品之引進和多媒體教材的興盛。 最後,本研究依據研究結果,提出研究建議以供「親親文化事業」、政府單位及對未來研究者之參考。 關鍵詞:幼兒教材出版、幼兒自然教材、產業分析


This study aims to explore the current industry condition and the operation difficulties of Chin-Chin as well as recommend as to the difficulties. The in-depth interview approach was applied and Chin-Chin was the study subject. “Survey of the Current Operation Condition of Chin-Chin Publications Ltd.” and “Outlines of the In-Depth Interview”, both adapted by the researcher of the current study, were utilized as the major research instruments. This study used Porter’s five-force analysis model to explore the current industry condition faced by Chin-Chin through five competition forces, including the threat from new joiners, the threat from substitutes, the competition severity among current producers, the price negotiation ability of suppliers, and the price negotiation ability of purchasers. And, through SWOT, the advantages and disadvantages on the internal operation of Chin-Chin and the opportunities and threats faced in the external environment were analyzed. The results of Porter’s five-force analysis showed that the most severe threats faced by Chin-Chin included capital insufficiency, low profitability of substitutes, slow growth of the publishing industry of the teaching material for young children, less suppliers, purchasers’ emphasis on the price and quality of products and service. Additionally, the SWOT analysis indicated the operation difficulties of Chin-Chin, including high publishing cost, too much inventory, insufficient brand marketing planning, fierce competition in this industry, limited capital, families with less children, unfavorable overall economic environment, imported publications for teaching young children, and prosperous publishing of multimedia teaching material. Finally, the current study submitted research recommendations based on the study results as a reference for Chin-Chin, government units, and researchers. Keywords: publishing of the teaching material for young children, teaching material about nature for young children, industry analysis


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