  • 學位論文


The Study on Planning Method of Leisure Farm - A Case study on Lord Leisure Farm at Neipu Township, Pingtung County

指導教授 : 羅 清 吉


休閒農業被視為新興熱門的產業,將成為未來台灣農業經營的主流方向,為了使休閒農場更具市場競爭力,農場的規劃成了農民經營休閒農場的第一步,規劃的理念更是融合了農民的創意、農村的「三生」與觀光的資源,創造一個具有魅力、帶動休閒產業的農場;再則,合法的申請設置是休閒農場永續經營的第一步,政府於民國81年提出「休閒農業輔導管理辦法」,期望結合產、官、學界的力量與資源,完整的推動休閒農場的申請設置程序,期望提高台灣休閒農場的合法率,以保障農民與遊客的權益,使得農村得以永續發展。 休閒農業得以促進農村生態保育與農業永續經營,因此本研究運用景觀生態學、景觀美學、行為場域、遊憩機會序列(ROS)及可接受改變限度規劃法(LAC)五個理論主張,建構休閒農場之規劃模式語言。依據五項主張共建構13項模式內容,並藉由模式內容運用於屏東縣內埔鄉羅德休閒農場規劃實例,期望藉由模式之架構,提供休閒農場規劃時之參考;此外探討休閒農業相關法規對於休閒農場規劃與申請程序間之相關課題,針對規劃及申請時可能遇到之課題提出因對措施。


The leisure agriculture is popular industry, it will become the Taiwan agriculture working trend in future. In order that leisure farm has competitive ability of the market, the plan of farm is the first step that the farmer manage leisure farm. The plan combines the farmer's creativity, the resources of village and leisure, create a farm that had charm and aroused leisure industry. And the legal establish is the important step of the sustainable management of leisure farm. The government proposes the laws of leisure agriculture in 1992, hope to raise legalizing of leisure farm in Taiwan with the right that safeguards farmer and visitor. The leisure agriculture can promote that village ecological conservation and agriculture sustainable management. So this study using landscape ecology, landscape esthetics, behavior setting, ROS and LAC to build up pattern language of leisure farm. And on using pattern language to farm plan of Lord Leisure Farm at Neipu Township, Pingtung County. Hope to provide the reference basis of the leisure farm planning. In addition, this study analyses these topics of leisure agriculture’s laws for planning and application.




