  • 學位論文


Characteristic and the Operating Condition of Livestock Waste Compost

指導教授 : 薩支高


台灣每年所產生的畜牧廢棄物數量很高,而每年農業所需肥料也相當的龐大,如何將廢棄物快速轉變成有效的產品是目前最重要的經濟及環保議題。本研究利用豬糞及牛糞廢棄物為材料,分別添加不同比例木屑、紙漿污泥(未經廢水處理)及明膠污泥,置於本實驗設計之堆肥桶中(約0.5 m3),以翻堆、強迫曝氣及靜置的處理方式腐熟並以堆肥過程中的碳氮比變化來判斷其腐熟程度。堆肥腐熟後,觀察堆肥桶中各參數的變化及其相關性,並與商業對照組做比較,以期找出能縮短腐熟時間、方便管理及觀察各別參數間變化之設計,改善以往較被動的商業化堆肥方式。 結果顯示,在堆肥桶的各處理方式中以翻堆處理在堆肥過程中有較高的堆肥溫度及較快速下降的碳氮比;翻堆處理在前期(約第1~30天)有較高的二氧化碳濃度及好氧菌菌落數,因此堆肥中之微生物較快到達穩定狀態,在後期(第60天後)的二氧化碳濃度及好氧菌菌落數與其他方式相比較少。堆肥腐熟後,也以翻堆處理有較高的種子發芽率,表示相同體積及重量下的堆肥以翻堆處理有較佳的處理效益。堆肥添加尿素的處理方式使碳氮比下降較慢,有較差的處理效益。在重金屬累積的情形中各處理間並沒有明顯的差異性,主要是和原物料的比例有關。 比較堆肥桶處理和商業對照組的堆肥過程中,發現後者有較高的溫度產生,不過前者卻有較低的碳氮比。而在種子發芽率的實驗中二者的差異不大。 最後,在成本分析概估中以本研究的翻堆處理為較佳的處理方法,不過建議須更進一步的探討整個畜牧廢棄物及肥料的市場來加以評估,才能有環保與經濟雙贏的結果。


In Taiwan, we produce a large amount of livestock waste annually. We also have a high fertilizer requirement every year. How to transform those wastes to useful products is an important topic. In this study, we mixed different scale of additive (sawdust, pulp sludge and gelatin sludge) with livestock waste (pig and cattle manure) under different aeration treatment (turned, forced aeration and static) in barrels to estimate the maturity of composting by its C/N ratio. Commercial piles of compost were used to be comparison. The results showed the turned treatment in barrel had higher temperature and lower C/N ratio during the composting period. The turned treatment had high CO2 concentration and total aerobe earlier on, so the treatment made composting procedure to be steady more quickly. In the later period of composting, this treatment produced less CO2 and fewer total aerobes. After the compost matured, the turned treatment also showed a higher germination index. It seems the treatment had the highest efficiency than others. On the contrary, the urea added treatment had the lowest efficiency. The heavy metals concentration of compost were resemble at all treatment in the same batch, correlates closely with the scale of the source. Compared to those treatments in barrels, the commercial piles of compost had higher temperature and C/N ratio. However, the germination indexes have no difference. The cost analysis also showed the turned treatment in this study had the best efficiency. We suggest the further study should be making to estimate the market of livestock waste and the need of fertilizer.


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