  • 學位論文


Eight Hours Actual Lowering Behavior for Porters under the Pay-By-Weight Rewarding System

指導教授 : 何正斌


本研究旨在探討在按重量計酬制度下搬運工人八小時實際卸下行為 模式分析,當工人在進行實際的人工物料搬運作業時,搬運行為會視身 體情況來調整其工作行為模式而產生不同的變化情形,而搬運作業通常 包含抬舉與卸下的動作,兩個動作使用的肌肉部位不同,其抬舉與卸下 的負荷能力也會不同。因此本研究徵募6 位有搬運經驗的男性受試者進 行實際八小時卸下作業及二項心物法子實驗,求得八小時卸下行為模 式、最大可接受卸下重量(MAWLo)及最大可接受卸下頻率(MALoF), 研究結果發現,卸下頻率、卸下總重量與卸下總次數皆隨著時間增加而 有遞減的趨勢,身體疲勞程度以下背最為嚴重,且最難恢復。兩項心物 法子實驗之結果顯示,MAWLo 值與實際卸下之每次卸下重量、最後結束 點卸下重量比較,皆有高估的情形;MALoF 與實際卸下之卸下頻率比較 有低估的情形,而與工作期間卸下頻率比較並無明顯差異。本研究與王 研儒(2007)之研究比較,發現卸下總重量與卸下頻率均大於抬舉,但 就每次搬運重量而言抬舉與卸下並無顯著差異,因為受試者在卸下作業 時以較快的頻率搬運,使卸下總重量較抬舉重,因此國人在評估MMH 作業時,應以MAWL 值做為肌力限制而非MAWLo 值,以減少MMH 作 業時發生職業傷害。


The purpose of the study is to investigate the actual 8 hours lowering behavior of porters under the pay-by-weight rewarding system. When workers perform MMH activities, they will adjust their behavior according to their body conditions from time to time, thus produce different results. MMH activities usually contain lifting and lowering behavior; these two kinds of behavior involve different muscles and different muscle endurance. In order to investigate the actual lowering behavior and to compare it with lifting behavior, 6 male subjects with MMH experience were recruited and were asked to perform 8 hours lowering. Two Psychophysical experiments were conducted to decide the maximum acceptable weight of lowering (MAWLo) and maximum acceptable lowering frequency (MALoF). The research revealed that the length of working hours had significant influence on the lowering frequency, total lowering weight and counts. Furthermore, while the time increased, the values of the above variables decreased. After 8 hour actual lowering activity, the lower back was the body part with the severest and the hardest-to-recover fatigue because of continual stooping. Through the psychophysical experiments, the MAWLo has been overestimated in the lowering weight of every time and the lowering weight of ending. The MALoF has been underestimated in the lowering frequency, but are similar to the lowering frequency that the subjects are working. Comparing with another research on the eight hours actual lifting behavior, the research revealed that the total lowering weight and frequency was higher than the total lifting weight and frequency, but there was no difference in the weight workers lift/lower everytime. Therefore, lifting is limiting activity for designing MMH task instead of lowering.


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