  • 學位論文


Pig Slaughters and Wholesalers Performances

指導教授 : 黃文琪


在象牙海岸共和國(Cote d’Ivoire)之肉豬產業是一個新興的產業。面對都市化的壓力,象牙海岸的政府在1990年即支持一個法國的非政府組織 FERT 推動豬隻育種計畫。本研究探討在象牙海岸最大都會區之一的阿比尚區(Abidjan) 之豬隻屠宰市場之屠宰量、每月肉品處理量及每個批發市場承銷商之購買量、農民(供應人)提供之屠體重量等肉品品質表現以及主要交易商之市場佔有率。本研究有關豬隻屠體交易等主要資料來自阿比尚區之Yopougon豬隻屠宰場。 本研究分析自1999年至2007年間的資料顯示,其豬隻屠宰量為158, 698 隻,總重10,875 公噸。 交易量最高之前三名交易商之市場佔有率高達82.72%,其中婦女團體佔23.86%。此九年間的月資料顯示屠宰量具有顯著的季節性。其中以12月份之平均交易量最高,達117.6公噸,而每頭屠體平均重量為67公斤;以2月份的平均交易量最低,比12月份降低了27.21%,不過每頭屠體平均重量則維持不變;7月份之平均交易量則比12月份減少23.5%。此產業對社會動亂的反應也相當敏感,自2004年至2007年間低屠體重量之肉豬所佔的比例增加為20.74%。 為了探討此計畫對婦女承銷團體的影響,本研究面訪27名從計畫執行之初即已參與其中的女性承銷人。結果發現其社會經濟地位有大幅的改善、讓她們在家中扮演角色的重要性提升、讓家中的男性可以依賴她們支付家庭支出諸如學雜費、餐費及幫忙支付購買家用資產。女性承銷人每月收入介於244.47美元至832.37美元之間。其中有88.9%的已婚女性對家庭支出提供很大的幫助,其所負擔的家計單位之人口數介於8至14人之間。女性承銷人所面臨的最大問題是金融市場的不健全;她們即使在商業銀行中有存款,仍往往沒有機會獲得貸款。因此她們經常必須利用以自己的團體成員間以互助精神建立的存款信用組織取得資金。另一個問題是因為鄉間的道路品質不佳,影響僱用卡車送貨的成本。最後,本研究亦顯示女性承銷人常被路邊武裝維安人員勒索,其遭勒索額度以未受教育婦女比受過教育的婦女高26.62%,其額度每次介於10.80美元至13.68美元間,需支付範圍涵蓋市區內、從屠宰場到她們自己的銷售點之小舖之間。


In Côte d’Ivoire the meat sector, especially for pigs, is a newly developed sector. Facing urbanization, the government of Côte d’Ivoire supported a French Non Governmental Organization (FERT) project for pig breeding in 1990. This study examined the performance of the pig slaughterhouse in Abidjan, one of the biggest metropolitan areas in Cote d’Ivoire, on the number of pig slaughtered, monthly meat treated and bought per wholesaler, farmers’ performance in terms of carcass weight, and the market share of the main traders. The data on pig carcass weight was collected at the township slaughterhouse of Yopougon, in Abidjan. The data analyzed from 1999 to 2007 showed that 158, 698 pigs were slaughtered and weighing 10,875 metric tons. It revealed that 82.72% of the market was controlled by three leading traders, among which the saleswomen association controlled 23.86%. In addition, the monthly data for the 9 years period revealed that the slaughters were significantly seasonal. In December, the supplies equaled to 117.6 metric tons with a carcass weight of 67 kg and the drawbacks were observed on February with a reduction of 27.21% for supplies with an equal carcass weight. The month of July was also characterized by a reduction of 23.5% compared to December. The sector was very responsive to the social crisis and the small carcasses rate increased from 2004 to 2007 leading to 20.74%. To assess the project impact on the saleswomen, a face to face interview was carried out on the 27 remaining pioneer woman collectors. Their socio-economic conditions have greatly improved, giving them an important role in their families, where men can rely on them for household expenses such as payment of school fees, food requirements and participation in household assets acquisition. The monthly earnings of the woman collectors fluctuated between $US 244.47 and 832.37. At 88.9%, these women having husbands are helping a lot for families’ expenses, and these aids contributed to take care of household sizes between 8 and 14 persons. The main problems of these women were the financial market failures, without any opportunity of loans from commercial banks even if some of them had savings in those institutions. They assisted each other with their own rotating saving and credit association. The bad quality of roads in rural areas affected the trucks hiring prices, and finally the study revealed that women were racketed on roads sides by security forces. These racketed sums were found to be higher for uneducated compare to educated women for 26.62% from $US 10.80 to 13.68 per load within the city, between the slaughterhouse and their stands.


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