  • 學位論文


Cognitive Attitude and Performance Assessment in Eco-technology of Soil and Water Conservation Professionals in Taitung

指導教授 : 許中立


本研究採用現勘調查、專人訪談並以問卷調查等方式,以探討台東地區水土保持從業人員在應用生態工法上,基於個人特質及動機和態度的不同在認知重視程度與實際績效滿意度的差異性。 經現勘調查及專人訪談後發現:在應用生態工法的「動機」部分,除配合執行上級機關政策與業務單位要求等被動因素外,亦有部分為維護生態保育、環境保護及景觀融合等主動因素;而在應用生態工法的「態度」上,工程從業人員仍較側重安全的考量,大多認為應在安全無虞的基礎上來追求兼顧其生態性,並視個案因地制宜,適當採用五化原則來營造生物棲息空間並減低工程行為對環境之衝擊。 另外於現場勘察後亦發現,隸屬「中央」層級之水土保持工程施做項目多為基礎擋土工、坡面保護工、護岸工及固床工;治山工程則為多為野溪治理、護岸、固床工、整流措施、沖蝕溝控制及防砂壩;在「縣府」層級較多為基礎擋土工與坡面保護工;而在「鄉鎮」層級則僅施做排水溝、駁崁及擋土牆等。有關材質與工法之選擇上,不分層級共通常用者為石籠與砌塊石。其中中央層級部分另有造型模版及預鑄單元基礎工等,可感受到其在工法之創新與研發上明顯較地方層級專業而積極;至於縣府及鄉鎮公所之地方層級部分仍因循舊制,以採用傳統慣用工法居多。 依問卷調查資料分析顯示:台東地區水土保持工程從業人員在執行績效滿意度之平均數皆明顯低於認知之重視程度。另外,在差異分析與相關程度之討論亦可歸納出:測設、監造單位較施工廠商及主辦單位更重視應用生態工法之考量,在年資1~5年部分於重視度表現較高,但以滿意度而言則是10年以上年資者較佳。 以重要-表現分析後發現,經濟與效用構面之題項主要分布在第一象限(重要且滿意),而可行性構面之題項則分布在第三象限(不重視也不滿意),表示台東地區水土保持工程從業人員在應用生態工法之重視度與滿意度朝兩極化發展。另外在第二象限(重要但不滿意)表現較明顯為可行性構面之行政作業因子中承辦人力與專業能力部分,應可再行加強並予以改善。


This paper attempts to probe how personality variables and personal motivations have affected the personnel’s levels of acknowledgement of the guiding value system which promotes biological conservation, and the way they assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the executions when the technological personnel in the field of water of soil conservation in the Taitung region implement ecological engineering projects. By conducting site investigations, person-to-person interviews and questionnaire surveys, we found that the technological personnel opt to apply ecological engineering not merely to comply with governmental policies or to carry out requests from clients. Their own personal motivation of promoting ecological conservation, environmental protection and better landscape planning is also involved in the decision-making. While most of the technological personnel still regard workplace safety as their first priority when designing the engineering, they also seek to conserve the local biological ecology under the condition that workplace safety and hazard prevention and control are ensured. They tend to treat each engineering project on a case-to-case basis, and apply the so-called Five Principles of Creation in order to conserve the habitats for the biological organisms, and to minimize the impact which the implementation brings about on the environment. We also found from the site investigations that the water and soil engineering projects at the central government level mainly consist of basic tasks of soil conservation, conservation of sloping lands, riverbank erosion control, and riverbed remediation. Soil erosion control in mountainous environments includes stream assessment and monitoring, riverbank restoration, riverbed remediation, erosion control, sand dams and hillside ditches for erosion control. One the other hand, the engineering projects at the county-level are mainly basic tasks of soil conservation and conservation of sloping lands. The projects at the township-level, however, may include only constructions of drainage ditches as well as various types of retaining walls. With regards to materials and its applications, both wire gabion structures and masonry blocks are the most commonly adopted by all of the three. However, the very fact that the central government also employs newly-developed prefabricated masonry brick panels and works on inventing more templates for designing masonry structures proves that it is more progressive in introducing new innovation in order to achieve unusual designs that are not easily accomplished by conventional masonry, which is still widely used by local governments. From the analysis of the questionnaire survey, we have observed a significant discrepancy between the high importance the technological personnel have attached to the application of ecological engineering and yet the low level of performance satisfaction. In addition, after the co-relation and relevance analysis, we were able to conclude that the governmental units in charge of construction monitoring attach more importance to the conservation of the local biological ecology, and therefore are more willing to take an implementation of ecological engineering into consideration than are the general construction contractor and subcontractors. Personnel with 1 to 5 years of service expressed a greater acknowledgement of the importance of the application of ecological engineering, while personnel with more than 10 years of service show a higher degree of performance satisfaction when evaluating the effectiveness of their implementation. From the Importance-Satisfaction analysis, we are able to find that the item ecological economics is largely located in the first quadrant (important and satisfied), while the item feasibility is located in the third quadrant (neither important nor satisfied). This indicates that when administrating ecological engineering, the technological personnel of water and soil conservation in Taitung hold polarized views in acknowledging the importance of ecological engineering, and have varying levels of performance satisfaction. Also a closer examination of the item implementation feasibility, which is located in the second quadrant (important but not satisfied), clearly suggests ample room for the personnel in charge of the administration to improve their expertise and skills.


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Wang, R. C. (2010). 各種通訊環境下使用者隱私保護之認證及金鑰協議之研究 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.00492
