  • 學位論文


Community-Based Tourism in Rural Costa Rica: Support Networks, Locally-owned Businesses and Local Economic Linkages

指導教授 : 黃文琪 姜蘭虹


許多國家都以推動觀光旅遊做為鄉村發展的策略。在哥斯大黎加的鄉村地區、則是透過民間組織與政府部門所形成的網絡關係達到支持、發展以社區為核心的觀光旅遊。本研究的首要目標就是分析如何以納入鄉村社區的草根性組織的方式、協助解決鄉村旅遊發展上所面臨的一些問題與限制。本研究應用網絡理論以解釋何以有必要發展並利用網絡關係。 然而、觀光旅遊的發展若真的要增加鄉村居民的福利而言、必然需要透過對地方經濟活動的鏈結、活絡地方經濟。因此本研究的第二個目標即在於以研究個案分析以加斯大黎加鄉村社區為核心的旅遊(CBT)產業發展計畫與地方經濟的鏈結關係。 透過個案分析、研究兩個從事旅遊事業的草根型的支持組織(GROs)實際上的運作情形、本研究發現這些支援網絡組織能夠有效解決從事旅遊活動的鄉村社區居民所面臨的共同問題、諸如: 缺乏從事旅遊活動的重要技能、投資開發成本過高以及市場被從事一般性的大眾旅遊業者壟斷。然而、雖然這些GRO有實際上從事旅遊事業並有收入、但並未能有效解決當地的低就業率及低所得的問題。 此外、透過質化研究方法以了解地方經濟鏈結議題時、發現在哥斯大黎加之CBT並不是由社區經營社區之共有財產共有事業、而是由一個組織經營其組織成員所共同擁有的財產。也因為如此、CBT的支持組織特別強調其與地方經濟的鏈結關係、希望透過CBT能夠透過當地居民所提供的商品或勞務、以創造出與地方的經濟鏈結關係。然而、本研究也發現,這些經濟鏈結關係是相當零星且多元的。再者、CBT與農業活動的鏈結關係更受到經營規模與季節性的因素、往往需購自外地、無法對當地經濟活動產生明顯的貢獻。因此CBT對地方經濟的貢獻雖有正面的效益但貢獻有限。


Tourism has been promoted as a rural development strategy in many countries. In Costa Rica, this has been done through a network of private and public organizations that support community-based tourism in rural areas. The first objective of this research was to analyze how embedding grassroots organizations in support networks may overcome some of the limitations encountered in the practice of rural tourism. Network theory is used to explain the rationale behind the development and implementation of these networks. The contribution of tourism to the well-being of rural residents involves the development of economic linkages. The second objective of this research is to analyze local economic linkages surrounding a community-based tourism (CBT) project in rural Costa Rica. Through a case study of two tourism-specific grassroots support organizations (GROs), it was found that support networks directly tackle some of the common problems faced by rural inhabitants in the practice of tourism, which are lack of essential skills, high development costs, and the dominance of mass tourism operators. Although the supported GROs are receiving tourists and revenues, there is no evidence that support networks solve the problems of low employment and income. Additionally, a qualitative case study of local economic linkages showed that CBT in Costa Rica does not involve the collective property of the community, but instead, the collective property of a group of community members organized in a formal association. As a result of this, a discourse on local economic linkages has been promoted by CBT support organizations. In this discourse, hopes for wider benefits from CBT are placed on small linkages to services and products to be provided by local inhabitants. Nevertheless, data from this case study shows that the economic linkages generated by CBT in the community were sporadic and polyvalent. Furthermore, the linkages between CBT and agriculture are negatively affected by scale and seasonality, which results in leakages out of the community. Practitioners should be aware that CBT may only have small scale positive impacts on the local economy.


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