  • 學位論文


Current Status of Small Carnivores Hunting in Rural Area of Miaoli, Taiwan

指導教授 : 裴家騏


過去研究人員多採自然科學的調查方式進行獵捕野生動物的相關調查,但其所需的人力、時間及經費都相當可觀。社會科學的研究方法相對成本較低,也已發展出許多可應用在敏感議題的特殊訪查方式。本研究除了使用傳統的直接問答法(Direct questioning technique)外,也透過兩種特殊的訪查方式:隨機回答法(Randomized response technique)與不對稱計數法(Unmatched count technique)以瞭解小型食肉目動物被獵捕的現況。本研究於2012年在苗栗縣通霄鎮、銅鑼鄉、三義鄉,對242戶農戶進行的訪查,發現利用隨機回答法確實可以獲得相對較真實的獵捕比率,估算在2009至2012年間,當地農戶獵捕鼬獾(Melogale moschata subaurantiaca)、白鼻心(Paguma larvata)和石虎(Prionailurus bengalensis chinensis)的比率分別介於4-18%、9-24%和2-30%之間。然而,由於本研究的抽樣未能完全保障受訪者之匿名性,此估計值可能仍然低估了實際情況。本研究也發現養雞戶比較會請別人來幫忙移除石虎,但是獵捕石虎者的動機則與養雞無關。本研究的不對稱計數法可能由於問卷設計不佳,使得結果可信度不高。此外,當地居民對野生動物保育法的罰則既不了解也不太在意,且在獵捕野生動物的議題上受主觀規範的約束強度不高。建議應落實相關法規的執行,提高約束力,且應儘早建立相關單位間的合作網絡,指派或設置長期且具有執法力的地方專責單位,以及建立在地社區參與野生動物保育的機制與系統。


Comparing to the methods that natural scientists used to use for illegal hunting investigation, social scientists have more cost-effective ways. More and more researchers integrate social-psychology concepts into sensitive behavior surveys. This study estimates the hunting status of small carnivores via the most commonly used method, Direct Questioning Technique (DQT), and two special methods for sensitive issue: Randomized Response Technique(RRT) and Unmatched Count Technique (UCT). 242 samples were collected in Miaoli, Taiwan from August to October 2012. The results show the estimation of poaching proportionality from employing RRT was much more accurate than when DQT was used. The illegal hunting proportion of ferret badgers Melogale moschata subaurantiaca, masked palm civets Paguma larvata, and leopard cats Prionailurus bengalensis chinensis was between 4 to 18%, 9 to 24%, and 2 to 30%, respectively, from the period of 2009 to 2012. However, the numbers may be underestimated since the sampling was not entirely anonymous. This study also finds that although chicken ranch owners may have higher motivation to ask others to remove leopard cats; nevertheless, raising chicken was not the only direct reason of leopard cats illegal hunting. UCT was not successfully conducted in this study and the reason might due to the design of survey. In addition, the results indicate interviewees generally did not know or care about the Wildlife Conservation Act. It is suggested the authorities should build a stronger cooperative relationship between government, academic institutions, communities, and any other related non-government groups. Designating an existing department or building a new permanent one with heavy local community involvement to oversee and enforce wildlife conservation is also important for the practice of turning regulations into real actions.


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高嘉孜(2013)。苗栗縣通霄鎮石虎(Prionailurus bengalensis chinensis)之移除模式及衝突探討〔碩士論文,國立屏東科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2013.00010
