  • 學位論文


Microbiological Resistance Properties of Geosynthetics and a Jute Fabric

指導教授 : 謝啟萬


台灣位於亞熱帶季風氣候區,氣候炎熱且潮濕,非常適合微生物生長。近年來地工合成材料已廣泛應用於土木工程、生態工程及農業設施上,且往往施作在土石附近或埋入於土壤內,而土壤為微生物最活躍之區域,當材料與土壤接觸時,土壤中微生物便經由直接或間接侵蝕材料,進而影響材料性質,因此微生物對地工合成材料特性之影響,有待深入研究與分析。 本研究之目的為建立國內地工合成材料耐微生物特性之試驗標準,並以建立之試驗標準埋入七種材料,材料為常埋入土壤內或施作於土石附近之地工合成材料,進行耐微生物特性試驗測試,探討建立之標準法其可行性。試驗環境擬以BS EN 12225標準建置恆溫、恆濕室及培育試驗用土壤,並以棉織布做為標準件,測試試驗土壤是否可使棉織布埋入7天後,抗拉強度折減達75 %,若測試結果達規範之標準即可將地工合成材料埋入土壤中,進行耐微生物折減特性分析。   土壤測試結果棉織布埋入7天強度折減率平均約80.43 %,已達規範規定之折減率。本研究埋入試驗之地工合成材料分別為麻纖濾布 (Jute-TECM)、抗沖蝕植生網毯(PECM)、地工固袋(W-GT1)、地工織布(W-GT2)、加勁濾布(NW-GT)、地工格網(GG)及地工止水膜(GM)共7種,埋入試驗時間分別為7天、28天、112天,並於埋入達試驗天數時取樣測試其抗拉強度及土壤微生物最大可能數(Most Probable Number,簡稱MPN)。 地工合成材料埋入試驗結果顯示,天然纖維材料Jute-TECM埋入第7天強度已折減55 %,第14天試片已無法測試其強度,其餘合成纖維材料埋入112天折減為1.3 %~14.7 %;而土壤總菌量於材料開始折減時有增加趨勢,且埋入Jute-TECM培育箱內土壤菌量增加更為明顯。由試驗結果得知,天然纖維材料之折減率及總菌量變化較為顯著。本研究相關數據未來可提供設計單位及廠商做為參考。


A commercial organic soil was used to conduct the bio-degradation tests of several geosynthetics and a natural textile. The EN 12225 standard test method was adopted to evaluate the bio-degradation resistance of several natural and synthetic textiles. The bio-active soil criterion is the test cotton fabric should reduce 75% of its tensile strength after 7 days after burial within the test bio-active soil under controlled humidity and temperature conditions. The cotton fabric strength reduction, test materials and the most probable number (MPN) for total bacteria and fungi test count were evaluated for each incubation period. The test materials included the natural jute temporary erosion control mat (TECM), a reinforced polypropylene permanent erosion control mat (PECM), a polypropylene silt film geotextile, a black and white PP multi-filament woven geotextile, a reinforced polyester nonwoven geotextile, and a PVC coated polyester geogrid. After 14-days incubation the strength of the natural jute fabric was unable to determine. Only 1.3% to 14.7% strength reductions were determined for the tested geosynthetic materials for 112-day incubation. Generally, the MPN values increased as the strength of the test geosynthetics decreased. The total amount of bacteria was generally higher than that for fungi for the test soil.


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