  • 學位論文


Study of the furnace design and process optimization for ZnO reduction

指導教授 : 林秋豐




The purpose of this study is to design a furnace process of ZnO reduction,which parameters are temperature, carbon monoxide concentration, air flow rate,inlet injection angle, In order to achieve this purpose, this study used a tube furnace with different temperature and the concentration of carbon monoxide experiments to know the activation energy and reaction stages of the zinc oxide reduction,which are put into CFD simulation programs, and perform experiments to prove the accuracy of the emulator. Finally, using proved in this study of CFD simulation program based on Taguchi experimental concepts for groove type furnace design and process parameters. Simulation results of the Taguchi method was informed that the best process of the groove type furnace temperature of 1300, and 100% in the concentration of carbon monoxide of 1.5L/min flow injection to restore the chute, and injection angle is 72.5 degrees with the best rates of consumption of zinc oxide and zinc reduction rate.


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