  • 學位論文


Using life table, monitoring, and economic threshold to study the integrated pest management of Thrips palmi Karny in field condition

指導教授 : 張念台 博士


台灣茄子(Solanum melongena L.)的栽培與生產受到南黃薊馬(Thrips palmi Karny)的危害影響甚鉅,導致茄果品質低落、產量降低及農友收入損失。此薊馬常造成茄果變形結疤,降低市場價格。為了有效防治管理此蟲、建構溫度相關之生命表、發育、存活與有效取樣技術來估算此薊馬之族群、探討施藥時機之經濟閥值、了解農民管理此害蟲的知識與反應、以及田間測試配合藥劑、耕作方式與物理方法之綜合防治技術的效果,特進行本試驗研究。 南黃薊馬於茄葉上之生命表研究是於16, 19, 22, 25, 28 及 31 oC 下進行其年齡-齡期的兩性生命表探討。這些溫度下其內在增殖率(r) 分別為0.0427, 0.0566, 0.0979, 0.1738, 0.1797 日-1 及 0.2237日-1 ,平均世代長分別為47.52, 38.33, 29.52, 19.81, 17.30日及 13.88 日,成蟲前期與成蟲期的發育均以雄蟲較雌蟲為快。本蟲各齡的發育期則隨溫度增加而縮短,雌成蟲16 oC下的最長壽命可達56.67日,而雄蟲可達50.66日。雌蟲生殖率以25 oC時最高 (64.18 eggs /female),16 oC 時最低(23.38 eggs /female)。由卵至成蟲估算之發育臨界溫度(C)為11.25 oC,有效積溫(K) 為196.1 日度(DD)。南黃薊馬於茄子上的適宜發育溫度為25 oC。 探討薊馬密度與造成危害損失的關係則於溫室條件下,試區分別於茄株上接入0, 20, 40, 70, 及 100隻成蟲,結果發現薊馬密度(花取樣= x1,黏板取樣= x2)與受害茄果比率(y)及茄果產量的減少明顯有關。統計上茄果受害率與取樣花者(y = 1.2261x1 - 0.6232, r2 = 0.8582) 及黏板取樣者(y = 11.667 ln(x2) - 9.5, r2 = 0.8896) 的薊馬密度均顯著相關(p<0.05)。以薊馬族群化學防治成本及茄子市場價格估算,茄果受害率在6.67–11.76 % 間仍屬經濟損失可容忍的範圍,以此轉成經濟臨界 (ET) 則為每朵花南黃薊馬1.05–1.50隻成蟲與/或幼蟲,或是每張黏板4日捕獲4.91–10.17隻成蟲。 農民對南黃薊馬防治管理之知識、認知與實務的探討,則以訪談南台灣茄子受害區農民,並以問卷收集、分析相關資訊。結果顯示茄子開花期與結果期農民認為受害而影響品質最為嚴重,多數農民(35%)偏好每週噴灑2次藥劑來防治薊馬。因南黃薊馬造成健康果與受害果間的價格差異可達新台幣30–34元/公斤,假設茄子生產有49.88%的結疤與變形果,則每公頃將有新台幣538,508.00元的總損失。 為了篩選綜合防治可用的有效藥劑,以48.34% SP丁基加保扶、2.5% SC賜諾殺、4.95 % SC芬普尼、9.6% SC益達胺及10% SC克凡派等5種藥劑分別配製0.83, 0.25, 0.5, 0.67, 及 1.00 ml/l水的劑量,噴灑於培養皿(9 cm diameter)中的茄葉葉塊(3 × 3 cm)上,葉塊上有南黃薊馬成蟲或幼蟲。施藥後24小時紀錄存活與死亡的薊馬數。結果以2.5% SC賜諾殺對幼蟲(99.13%)與成蟲(100%)的防治率最高,效果最好。10% SC克凡派與48.34% SP丁基加保扶則可防治90%以上的薊馬成蟲,但幼蟲防治率低於85%。 田間綜合防治試驗於2012年9月至2013年3月間在屏東市瑞光路茄園進行,以不同防治法組合成之7處理4重複,發展永續性南黃薊馬的管理技術。處理包括施用化學藥劑(2.5% SC賜諾殺或10% SC克凡派)、輪用賜諾殺與克凡派並配合耕作防治(鋪設黑色塑膠布或摘除老枝老葉)、以藍色黏板誘殺並摘除老枝老葉、農民慣行法(施用9.6% SC益達胺)及對照組。噴灑賜諾殺或克凡派處理的施藥是依照取樣花或黏板監測之族群數量與南黃薊馬之經濟臨界(每朵花1.05-1.5隻薊馬或每張黏板4.91-10.17隻成蟲) 來決定。結果施用賜諾殺處理與輪用賜諾殺和克凡派並鋪設黑塑膠布兩處裡最能有效抑制害蟲族群於經濟臨界之下,也有最多花與茄果(27.3–27.9/株),最大產量(4.13–4.25公斤/株)及最低受害果數(2.77–3.13果/株)。農民慣行法的結疤變形果數平均達18.67果/株,而克凡派施藥處理則有12.67/株的受害果。比較茄子花、葉調查及使用藍色黏板薊馬密度的監測,發現若依照葉片取樣所得薊馬數來決定施藥,是無法降低茄子受害結疤與變形果的產生。 總而言之,綜合耕作措施如摘除老葉,鋪設塑膠布或土壤覆蓋抑制薊馬蛹的發育,藍色黏板誘殺成蟲,以及依照南黃薊馬之經濟臨界值噴灑賜諾殺,是能有效管理此害蟲的。


Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) production and cultivation in Taiwan is severely affected by Thrips palmi karny, resulting poor fruit quality, low yield, and loss of income of the farmers. This thrips causes cosmetic scars on and deforms fruits, thus lowering their market value. For the purpose of effective pest management module, construction of temperature-dependent life table, development, survivorship, effective sampling technique to estimate population, economic threshold for timely application of insecticide, and farmer’s level knowledge and response for pest management were studied and appealed. The life history of Thrips palmi Karny on eggplant leaves was studied based on the age-stage, two sex-life tables at 16, 19, 22, 25, 28 and 31 oC. The intrinsic rate of increase (r) at these temperatures was 0.0427, 0.0566, 0.0979, 0.1738, 0.1797, and 0.2237 d-1, respectively. The mean generation time was 47.52, 38.33, 29.52, 19.81, 17.30, and 13.88 d, respectively. The developments of pre-adult and adult stages were faster in males than females. The means of developmental periods for each developmental stage decreased with increases of temperature. The maximum life span of female adult was noted 56.67 d whereas that of male was 50.66 d at 16 oC. The highest female fecundity (64.18 eggs /female) was recorded at 25 oC and the lowest (23.38 eggs /female) at 16 oC. The developmental threshold temperature (C) estimated for egg-to-adult was 11.25 oC, with a thermal constant (K) of 196.1 DD. The optimal developmental temperature for T. palmi in eggplant was determined to be 25 oC. To investigate the relationship between the density of thrips and the resulting damage, experimental plots with initial release densities of 0, 20, 40, 70, and 100 adults’ thrips per plot were established under greenhouse conditions. Thrips density (for flower sampling = x1; for sticky trap = x2) was found to be directly related to the proportion of damaged-fruits (y) and the reduction in fruit yield: significant relationships were found for the flower samples (y = 1.2261x1 - 0.6232, r2 = 0.8582) and for the trap catches (y = 11.667 ln(x2) - 9.5, r2 = 0.8896). The proportion of damaged fruits that could be tolerated from an economic perspective, based on the cost of controlling the thrips population chemically and the market value of the fruit, was 6.67–11.76 %; this translated into economic thresholds (ET) of 1.05–1.50 adults and/or larvae of T. palmi per flower or 4.91–10.17 adults T. palmi per four-day sticky card count. Farmers’ knowledge, perceptions, and practices of T. palmi management were evaluated by interviewing farmers of problematic area of southern Taiwan, and data collected using questionnaire interviews was analyzed. Results showed flowering and fruiting stage was recognized more serious for degrading the fruit quality and growers mostly (35%) prefer spraying of chemical insecticides twice per week for thrips pest management. The price differences between healthy and damaged fruit due to T. palmi were TWD 30–34 per kg fruit. Considering 49.88% of scarred and deformed fruit production, the total loss will be TWD $538,508.00 per hectare per year. To find efficacy of chemical insecticide for developing integrated control, 5 insecticides namely carbosulfan 48.34% soluble powder (SP), spinosad 2.5% soluble concentrate (SC), fipronil 4.95 % SC, imidacloprid 9.6% solution (SL), chlorfenapyr 10% SC were sprayed at the rate of 0.83, 0.25, 0.5, 0.67, and 1.00 milliliter (ml) per liter of water on section leaves (3 × 3 cm) in petri dish (9 cm diameter), containing larvae and adult of T. palmi. The number of died and alive insects were recorded after 24 hour of spray. Spinosad 2.5% SC showed most effective for controlling of larva (99.13%) and adult (100%) population. Chlorfenapyr 10% SC and carbosulfan 48.34% SP reduced more than 90% of adult population of T. palmi; however their effect was less than 85% for control of larvae. The field experiment was conducted from September 2012 to March 2013 at Ruiguang road, Pingtung city to develop sustainable pest management for T. palmi in field condition with seven treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were chemical insecticide (spinosad 2.5% SC and chlorfenapyr 10% SC), alternate spraying of spinosad and chlorfenapyr with cultural control (use of black plastic mulch/ pruning of older leaves and branches), mass trapping with blue sticky trap, farmer practice of management (imidacloprid 9.6% SC), and control. The treatments decision for spraying spinosad and chlorfenapyr were made based on monitoring with flower sampling or blue sticky trap and economic threshold of T. palmi (1.05–1.5 thrips per flower or 4.91–10.17 adults per sticky trap). Spraying spinosad or alternate spraying of spinosad and chlorfenapyr with mulching black plastic were observed most effective to minimize pest population at or below ET, more number of flower and fruits (27.3–27.9/plant), the largest yield (4.13–4.25 kilogram/plant), and the least fruit damage (2.77–3.13 fruit/plant). The farmer practice was observed with 18.67 scarring and deforming fruits/plant whereas that of chlorfenapyr treated plot was recorded 12.67. The thrips density monitored with flower, leaves, and sticky traps showed that scarring and deforming fruit production in eggplant could not be reduced if spraying decision would be made with number of thrips on leaves sampling. In conclusion, integration of cultural practice such as pruning and destroying of older leaves, use of plastic mulch or soil cover to suppress pupal development of thrips in soil, capturing of thrips by blue sticky trap, and spraying spinosad based on economic threshold of T. palmi could be useful for managing this pest.


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