  • 學位論文


A preliminary study of environment citizenship and ethical education to implementation of sustainable development.

指導教授 : 李嘉塗


自從二十世紀中葉後,隨著科技進步帶動人類社會及經濟之急遽發展,生活型態亦隨著物質生活富有而邁向大量製造、消費、產生廢棄,而這些過程對環境負荷之影響,則已遠遠超過自然復原能力,更進一步則是造成環境污染、資源迅速枯竭、食物鏈型態異常,進而危及所有生態世代永續發展。就永續發展而言,其定義為以滿足當代需求,且同時不損及後代子孫滿足其本身需要之目標來發展;而其亦有重要意涵為如何在社會、與經濟之間,以不牴觸保育生態環境之影響,亦是當今國際重要探討議題;因此政府能否有效落實環境永續的實務,更是取決於環境倫理教育正確性、當地民眾之參與積極度、環境公民權落實度以及對環境之態度(價值觀)、行為、想法。 本研究以實行環境教育及落實執行較完善之國家做為參考依據,探討國內環境永續發展之相關制度,以改善可行方法,如:落實環境公民權之保障、環境倫理教育,而其原則皆如環境規劃與管理中所強調最重要之原則--“事先預防,重於事後補救”,因此環境管理必須先教導倫理道德教育之正確內容,再與21世紀議程中最主要之「民眾參與」機制來做結合,才能改善全體大眾對環境之管理行為、態度(價值觀)、想法,以及落實環境公民權,以達永續環境之目標。


Since the mid-20th century ,along with science and technology advances science promote human social and economic rapid development ,lifestyle also along with substances life wealthy toward to numerous manufacture, consumption and produce waste ,these processes will effect on environment burden , much larger than the exceed natural recovery capability already ,further result on environment pollution and resources depletion rapidly and food chain patterns is abnormal ,and then all of ecology generation sustainable development is endanger. As far as sustainable development ,this define is a mode of human development in which resource use aims to meet human needs while ensuring the sustainability of natural systems and the environment. Also mean how to not conflict with conservation of the ecological environment impact for between society and economy ,these issue is also important of conference to investigate in the world;So, government can be effect to implement environment sustainability of practices or not, also depends on environmental ethics education correctness and native populace to take a part of environment relation issue aggressiveness and environmental citizenship implementation and behavior, attitude, impression towards the environment. This research is according to perfect implement environmental education of country to reference, environmental sustainability of relative institution in domestic to investigate for feasible method to improve. For example:According to environmental citizenship of safeguards to implement and environmental ethics education, also this principles just like in environmental planning and management to say“Beforehand prevention is more important than Afterwards Remedy.” . So, environmental management first step is need to teach current ethics education, and then integrate in Agenda 21,that is the most important of the "public participation" mechanism to bind, it can able to improve all populace to treat Environmental management behavior, attitude, impression, and environmental citizenship of implement, expect for environmental sustainability can be achieve aim.


劉阿榮,謝登旺,2009,台灣永續發展之環境與社會經濟的辯證,元 智大學,社會科學系,第4到6頁,新北市。
李珮瑜,2010,Martin Heidegger科技觀之探究及其對環境倫理教育之蘊義,生態社會與永續發展國際學術研討會,國立台灣師範大學,公民教育與活動領導研究所,台北市。


