  • 學位論文


The Emergence of the Narrative Strategy Story – A Case Study on the Strategic Change Processes of the Goodmind Industrial Co., Ltd.

指導教授 : 蔡展維


近年來由於企業所面臨之經營環境持續劇烈變化且日趨複雜,如何動態地看待企業本身之策略變成一件相當重要的事。也因此在策略研究領域中,動態能耐、策略變化等動態性概念亦逐漸受到重視。而策略故事是最近興起的動態概念,其關注的焦點是企業如何透過策略故事之差異性與連結性將不同的時間點上所實施的每個策略手段連接起來以產生獨特的支配邏輯,進而構築企業之特殊文脈以獲得競爭優勢。在此觀點下,本研究嘗試透過對個案之詮釋與分析以浮現策略故事之形成過程。在研究觀點上,採用策略故事之動態觀點,將策略視為一種過程並加以詮釋。在研究方法上,本研究採用客觀與主觀之兩種方法進行研究,首先使用事件法蒐集與分析資料後整理出個案公司之策略故事,並透過訪談加入研究者之反思以建構從中探究其策略故事之浮現過程與形成機制。 經由實證後我們發現策略故事在浮現的過程中需具備以下二種要素:第一、策略轉折:在策略故事中,策略轉折扮演著製造差異性與形成互補性之角色;因為有變化才會有「差異性」的產生,而有了差異性也才會產生手段間之「互補性」;企業為了因應不同時間點中之各種變化而採取之策略手段間是否擁有一條緊密的邏輯與連結性,此為形成策略故事重要之因素。第二、漸進式之敍說過程:策略故事的本質中有另外一個重要的本質為「可供敍說性」。策略故事本身可供敘說之程度則更著重在策略故事中一連串之策略活動所具有之條理和內涵。而互補性決定了企業之策略故事中連接性之強弱,可供敘說性則代表著構成故事之手段事件間彼此相依的關係存在,基本上策略故事形成的過程是一種漸進式的邏輯,是由無數的小故事(Small Story)透過策略轉折之潤飾後形成一個卓越故事(Great Story)。


Recently, the enterprises face the problem that business environment changes severely and become more complex, so how we treat the enterprise strategy in the dynamics is an important issue.In the field of Strategy Research, some dynamic perspectives, such as Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Change, get more and more attention.The Narrative Strategy Story is gaining power in this field. They focus how the enterprises connect the means with the strategic differentiation and connectivity in different periods and then develop the unique logic of domination. Finally they build the extraordinary enterprise context, and get the competitive advantage. In order to explain the Emergence of the Narrative Strategy Story and Formation Mechanism, we utilize two approaches:Objective vs. Subjective; we employ a framework for classifying Strategic Management and induct dates to create the Narrative Strategy Story and then use Deep Interview to interpret the Strategic Selection and Strategic Change of the firmsfor examining how the Narrative Strategy Story formed from a case study in the Goodmind Industrial Co., Ltd. We find two conclusions from the case-study. First, Strategy Transition plays the role of making the differentiation and mutual complementarities in the Narrative Strategy Story, because of Changing makes Differences, and then Differences makes Mutual-Complementarities in all means. This is important whether there is a close logic and combination connection between forming process of Narrative Strategy Story in the different operating period. Second, the Incremental Narrative Process; another important factor is Narrative Ability. The level of Narrative Ability focuses on a serious of context and implication of strategy activity. Mutual-Complementarities will affect strength of connection ability for Narrative Strategy Story of the firm. The Narrative Ability represents the dependent relationship of means and events in the story. Typically, the forming process of Narrative Strategy Story is a progressive logic, thus a Great Story is composed of a number of Small Story by Strategy Transition modified. Finally, empirical and managerial implications about the Emergence of the Narrative Strategy Story and Formation Mechanism are drawn from this research.


侯勝宗,(2012)。『見所未見:詮釋性個案研究方法探索』,組織與管理,5 (1),111-153。
