  • 學位論文


A study on willingness to buy yellow card motorcycle under right-of-way opening policy

指導教授 : 吳繼澄


近年來隨著台灣經濟起飛及思想觀念的改變,台灣人民逐漸重視休閒活動與實用性的交通工具,而兩者兼備且被禁止已久的大型重型機車,因2002年台灣加入WTO之後,終於能後合法領牌上路。但號稱機車王國的台灣,在開放初期,因過高的售價加上高額的稅金及路權和驗車等各方面的限制,使得多數廠商面對這龐大的市場只能望洋興嘆,直到2012年7月1日,政府宣布250 c.c.以上550 c.c.以下的大型重型機車(黃牌大型重型機車)比照汽車路權後整個台灣機車市場產生了微妙的變化:其一,國內機車廠商與貿易商願意生產與引進黃牌大型重型機車,攤平生產與驗車成本後使得價格降低,而價格降低又吸引更多民眾願意購買。其二,在台灣生產銷售的黃牌大型重型機車多屬速可達車型,較符合台灣一般民眾的用車習性。第三,黃牌大型重型機車稅金與價格較550c.c.以上之紅牌大型重型機車低廉,目前路權又相同且免掛前車牌,因此接受度漸漸提高。本研究以南部地區大型重型機車族群為研究對象,利用SPSS軟體進行分析。本研究的重要結論有:(一)路權開放是消費者購買黃牌大型重型機車最重要因素。(二)路權開放是廠商生產與引進黃牌大型重型機車最直接因素。(三)國產黃牌大型重型機車因為售價合理且品質良好,許多受訪著願意當作購買與換購的優先對象。(四) 研究發現購買黃牌大型重型機車著多為男性且不一定把車當成代步工具,原因在於車體過大且車身過重,如能做市場區隔,生產體型較小且符合台灣用路環境的車種,相信黃牌大型重型機車的銷售數量應會相當驚人。 關鍵字:路權開放、購買意願、因素分析、單因子變異數分析。


In recent years, with the blooming economy of Taiwan and changing of the traditional ideas, citizens of Taiwan gradually value their leisure activities and usable transportation vehicles. And the large-scale heavy locomotives, which consists both advantages above, are finally legally licensed to hit road after Taiwan’s successful accession to WTO in 2002. Initially, however, in Taiwan, which has long been known as the kingdom of locomotives , it is the restrictions of high selling price, expensive tax, right of way and vehicles inspection etc… that frustrated the manufacturers’ will to invest more in the huge market. It is not until July 1st, 2012 when the government declared that large-scale heavy locomotives above 250cc and below 550cc (yellow card large-scale heavy locomotives) could follow the right of way of cars accordingly that some subtle changes appeared in the locomotives market of Taiwan. First, the domestic locomotives manufacturers and traders were willing to produce and introduce yellow plate large-scale heavy locomotives because the price was lower exclude the costs of production and inspection, which became affordable to more people. Second, most of the yellow plate large-scale heavy locomotives, produced and sold in Taiwan, are scooter-typed, which are more accordant with the riding habits of the motorcyclists in Taiwan. Third, not only are the tax and price of the yellow plate large-scale heavy locomotives cheaper than those of the red card large-scale heavy locomotives (above 550cc) but also the front license plate are not compelled to fix to the yellow ones; what is more, the right of way of both types of locomotives above is the same. Thus people’s acceptance of the yellow plate large-scale locomotives is enhancing. This research takes the large-scale heavy motorcyclists in the south area as the objects of study, applying SPSS19.0 edition to process analysis. The important conclusions of the research are: (1) the opening of the right of way is the most important factor for consumers to purchase yellow large-scale heavy locomotives. (2) the opening of right of way is the direct factor for the manufacturers to produce or import yellow large-scale heavy locomotives. (3) most of the participants in the survey are willing to put domestic yellow large-scale heavy locomotives into their first priority when purchasing relative vehicles because of the reasonable selling price and good quality of them.(4) the study reveals that most of the motorcyclists who purchase yellow plate large-scale locomotives are males and don’t necessarily use them as a means of daily transportation because of the inconvenience out of the oversize and overweight of the vehicles themselves. I believe that the sale volume of the yellow plate large-scale heavy locomotives will be mounting if they can be distinguished from the market by being adjusted into a smaller size and lighter weight, which better fits in the transportation conditions of Taiwan. Key words:Right-of-way opening policy 、Willingness to buy 、Factor Analysis、One-way ANOVA


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蕭富峰(2006),行銷策略 Marketing strategy,臺北市華泰文化事業股份有限公司。
