  • 學位論文


A Research of Overseas Chinese Students’ Life Adjustment in the Rotary Cooperative Education Program of Vocational High School

指導教授 : 吳雅玲


本研究旨在瞭解高職輪調式建教合作僑生專班學生生活適應等相關問題。以五位僑生專班的學生為主要受訪對象,另亦邀請一位僑生專班導師及一位僑生輪調至公司的駐廠老師參與本研究;本研究採用質性研究方法,依據半結構訪談大綱進行深度訪談以彙整資料,並以主題分析法來作資料分析。本研究主要結論如下: 壹、僑生生活適應之狀況及影響因素 一、學習方面-中文能力強弱影響僑生的各項學習成效,既往的學習經驗也是牽動其學習的主因。 二、文化方面-僑生少數族群的聲音與感受容易被忽略,其雖體悟深刻,但反映後收效不大。 三、人際方面-本地生歧視的態度及缺乏社群互助觀念的同事和僑生關係疏離,僑生會強化自我以改變對方的看法。 四、心理方面-想家的煎熬讓僑生心理最感痛苦,然卻也是激勵其前進不被擊倒的動源 五、職場方面-僑生職場的初體驗最擔憂會犯錯,但其職場倫理觀念深固,故能勝任愉快 貳、僑生生活適應之因應策略 一、正向策略:(一)主動尋求支持以克服困境(二)勇敢面對並厚植實力以迎接挑戰(三)自我調適以符應環境所需(四)脫離情境並堅持自我(五)理性思考後積極突破(六)宣洩情緒以釋放壓力。 二、消極策略:無法突破時,便會選擇放棄。


The purpose of this study is to understand overseas Chinese students’ life adjustment in the rotary cooperative education program of vocational high school. The study was designed to collect data through in-depth, semi-structured interviews with five overseas Chinese students in the rotary cooperative education program of vocational high school, the home teacher of the overseas Chinese students, and the mentor of their practicum in the factory. The data were analyzed with the thematic analysis method. The main conclusions of the research are as follows: 1. Overseas Chinese students’ life adaptation and the affecting factors: (1) Learning aspects-Their Chinese language proficiency influenced the overseas Chinese students’ learning, and the early learning experience was one of the main factor affecting their learning. (2) Cultural aspects- The opinions and feelings of overseas Chinese students were easily neglected. Their problems were not solved even though they proposed their problems to the school teachers. (3) Interpersonal relationship aspects- Facing the racial discrimination from local students and the factory colleagues’ lack of cooperation, the overseas Chinese students strengthened themselves to change the viewpoints of the peers and colleagues. (4) Psychological aspects-Homesickness made the overseas Chinese students painful most. However, it was also the source to encourage them to move forward. (5) Working aspects-Initially, overseas Chinese students worried that they would make mistakes in the workplace. However, due to their professional work ethics, they were competent for their work. 2. The coping strategies of the overseas Chinese students’ life adaptation: (1) The positive strategies that the overseas students used to cope the problems were the following:a. actively seeking for the supports to overcome the plights; b. bravely facing and enhancing their competitiveness in order to meet the challenges; c. facilitating the self-adjustment to responded to the environment; d. being out of the situation and insisting on being themselves; e. after rationally thinking, making the positive breakthrough; f. Easing the bad mood to release the pressure. (2) The negative strategy that the overseas students used to cope the problems was to giving up if they could not making a breakthrough.


