  • 學位論文


A Research for Hopo Hakka Immigrant Culture in Limtsiinui Pingtung

指導教授 : 鍾鳳嬌 鄭春發


摘要 學號:M10175002 論文名稱:屏東林仔內河婆客家移民文化之研究 總頁數:133 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 所別:客家文化產業研究所 畢業時間及摘要別:103學年第一學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:林素卿 指導教授:鍾鳳嬌博士 鄭春發博士 論文摘要: 本研究旨在探討屏東林仔內河婆客家人之移民歷程、文化傳承、 文化特色及文化認同。透過質性研究方法,以立意取樣方式,選取二 十五位河婆客家人及六堆客家人為研究對象,並運用半結構式的訪談 法進行資料的蒐集,歸納分析後結論如下。 一、屏東林仔內河婆客家移民歷程分析:河婆客家居民因為缺乏工作 機會,經濟狀況不佳,因此,其移民的主要原因為謀生需要,移 民空間分布則以親戚、同姓及同村聚集而分布。 二、屏東林仔內河婆客家文化傳承及文化特色:在河婆客家文化遞變 方面,有關於擂茶製作上,因為備料及烹煮程序較繁瑣,因此已 經很少製作。在祭祀文化方面,研究結果發現河婆客家人,對於 盤花及土地龍神均不瞭解其意涵,甚至其他文化也多已消失,僅 尚存少數居民會說河婆客語,並保留三山國王繞境、攑王爺、竹 竿炮等文化習俗;在河婆客家與六堆客家的差異性分析上:河婆 客家人是因謀生來臺,而六堆客家人是因墾荒而來臺。至於所從 事的行業,河婆客家居民從事經商較多,六堆客家居民則是以士、 農為主。河婆客家有三山國王繞境、攑王爺及竹竿炮等文化,六 ii 堆客家則是伯公文化。 三、屏東林仔內河婆客家移民文化認同方面:移民自我身分認同與來 臺代數及來臺年齡層有關,來臺第一代河婆客大都認同自己本身 為「河婆人」 ,但有極少數來臺第一代認同本身是「廣東人」、「客 家人」;大部分來臺第二代都認同本身是「臺灣人」,只有極少數 來臺第二代是認同「廣東仔」、「廣東來的客家人」 。 最後,本研究根據上述研究結果,針對河婆客家、學校單位、客 委會政府相關單位,以及未來研究方向等方面提出相關性建議。 關鍵字:河婆客家、移民空間、文化傳承、文化認同


Abstract Student ID:M10175002 Title of Thesis:A Research for Hopo Hakka Immigrant Culture in Limtsiinui Pingtung Total Pages:133 National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. Graduate Institute: Graduate Institute of Hakka Culture Industry Date of Graduation:January,2015 Degree Conferred:Master Name of Student:Lin, Su-Ching Advisor:Chung, Feng-chiao Ph.D. & Cheng, Chun-Fa Ph.D. Thesis Abstract: This research is designed to explore the immigration history, culture inheritance, culture characteristics and culture identification of Hopo Hakka in Limtsiinui Pingtung. Twenty five Hopo and Liudui Hakka people were invited to do a semi-structural interview regarding their culture inheritance. The results of the study were described as follows. 1. Analysis of the immigration history of the Hopo Hakka people of Limtsiinui Pingtung: Due to the lack of the job opportunities, the economic conditions of the Hopo Hakka residents are undesirable, consequently the needs for making a living accounts for their main reason for immigration. The immigration space is distributed based on the gathering of the same clan, surname and village. 2. Culture inheritance and culture characteristics of the Hopo Hakka people of Limtsiinui Pingtung: In respect of the culture mutation of the Hopo iv Hakka, the custom of ground tea production is rare due to the complicated material preparation and cooking procedures. As far as the ancestor worship culture is concerned, the study results indicated that the Hopo Hakka people have no ideas of what the discoid flower and the earth dragon god mean and other culture even all vanishes. Only a few residents can speak Hopo Hakka language and reserve such cultural customs as the Procession of Three Mountain Kings, Lord Raising and Bamboo Pole Firecracker, etc. As to the analysis of discrepancy of the Hopo and Liudui Hakka people, the Hopo Hakka people came to Taiwan for making a living, while the Liudui Hakka people immigrated to Taiwan for reclaiming wasteland. Regarding to the occupations, more Hopo Hakka people engaged to business, but the Liudui Hakka people were involved to academic affairs and farmers. The Hopo Hakka people keep the culture like Procession of Three Mountain Kings, Lord Raising and Bamboo Pole Firecracker, whereas the Liudui Hakka people possess the Earth Lord culture. 3. Regarding the culture identification of the Hopo Hakka people of Limtsiinui Pingtung: The self identification of immigrants is related to the number of generations as well as the level of age for coming to Taiwan. Most of the first generation of the Hopo Hakka people who came to Taiwan identify themselves as the “Hopo people”, but only few first generation coming to Taiwan recognize themselves as “Guangdong people” or “Hakka people”; most of the second generation of the Hopo people who came to Taiwan identify themselves as “Taiwanese”, only few consider themselves as “Guangdong children” or the “Hakka people from Guangdong”. v In the end, some suggestions regarding to the culture inheritance of Hopo Hakka and future study were provided based on the findings. Key Words: Hopo Hakka People, Immigrant Space, Culture Inheritance,Culture Identification


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