  • 學位論文


An Empirical study on the Sales Intentions of Long-Term Care Insurance and Recognitions for Life-Insurance Salesman

指導教授 : 洪仁杰


在高齡、少子化的背景下,近年來保險公司因應社會趨勢而推廣商業長期看護保險,但商業長期看護保險民眾投保率卻不高。其主要理由在於保費較高、給付內容以及理賠較不容易理解。本研究希望探討保險業務員銷售商業長期看護保險的相關意願及認知;藉由問卷調查方式,研究保險業務員對長期看護保險認知程度及對長期看護保險的銷售意願。本研究透過問卷調查方式,得到327份有效樣本,使用次數分配、因素分析、獨立樣本 t 檢定及單因子變異數分析,迴歸分析等方式,透過SPSS 統計分析軟體來進行實證分析,主要結論如下:1.高齡少子化與長期照護保險的認知變數在人口統計變數上有顯著差異。2.客戶購買長期照護保險的考量因素變數在人口統計變數上有顯著差異。3.業務員銷售長期照護保險的考量因素變數在人口統計變數上有顯著差異。4.高齡少子化與長期照護保險的認知在業務員銷售長期照護保險的考量因素變數上有關。5.客戶購買長期照護保險的考量因素在業務員銷售長期照護保險的考量因素變數上有關。


Under the trend towards aging and fewer children, the insurance companies have focused on the promotion of long-term care insurance in recent years. However, the rate of long-term care insurance covering is not high. The major reasons for low covering include the high insurance premium, complicated payment contents, and insurance claims procedure. This study aimed to investigate the sales intentions and recognitions of long-term care insurance for life-insurance salesperson by questionnaire survey. This study collected 327 valid samples and employed descriptive statistics, factor analysis, independent t-test, one way ANOVA and regression analysis to conduct the empirical analysis by using SPSS software. The major conclusions include: 1.There exist significant differences in the recognition of trend towards aging and fewer children and long-term care insurance between respondents with different demographic variables; 2. There exist significant differences in the consideration for the customers to purchase the long-term care insurance between respondents with different demographic variables; 3. There exist significant differences in the sales intensions of long-term care insurance between respondents with different demographic variables; 4. There exist significant relation between the recognition of trend towards aging and fewer children and sales intensions of long-term care insurance; 5. There exist significant relation between the consideration for the customers to purchase the long-term care insurance and sales intensions of long-term care insurance.


