  • 學位論文


Noise and Vibration Study on Rotary Compressor and Air Conditioner System

指導教授 : 王栢村


迴轉式壓縮機與冷氣機系統匹配的振動噪音問題,ㄧ直是相關領域業界欲了解與解決的重點之一。找出冷氣機系統結構所產生的振動噪音來源,有助於廠商之研發人員能有改善與設計之參考。本文首先闡述冷氣機系統運作原理,介紹噪音振動量測與評估之理念,建立噪音振動量測與評估程序,實驗方面進行收受端測試(Receiver test)與路徑端測試(Path test)兩部分,其收受端測試為探討迴轉式壓縮機於不同工作狀況下之噪音特性,再進一步對迴轉式壓縮機進行噪音與振動之關聯性分析,探討噪音與振動之關聯性,接著進行冷氣機系統之收受端測試於不同工況下之噪音特性,再進一步對冷氣機系統進行噪音與振動之關聯性分析,最後對壓縮機與冷氣機之振動與噪音比較,進而對壓縮機路徑噪音初步診斷,並建立一套診斷流程。結果發現迴轉式壓縮機在有冷媒下運轉時250、800、1250Hz為主要貢獻度頻帶。壓縮機組裝於冷氣機系統上後噪音量明顯降低13.08dBA,而消音棉能使得冷氣機噪音量降低2.43dBA;壓縮機組裝於冷氣機後之噪音1/3八音頻譜明顯多出現250、400Hz貢獻度頻帶,未來在對壓縮機進行噪音診斷時也需把中心頻率250、400Hz考慮進去。本文建立之冷氣機與壓縮機振動噪音分析及異音診斷流程,未來可提供壓縮機相關領域廠商一套量測方法及噪音分析診斷程序。


The rotary compressor is one of the key components and the major source of noise and vibration in air conditioners. The compressor assembly to the air conditioner may incur unwanted noise and vibration that is of concern for manufacturers. The identification of noise and vibration of the air conditioner system related to the compressor is crucial particularly for compressor manufacturers to improve their compressor design. This thesis first illustrates the working principle of air conditioner system and introduces how to precede noise and vibration measurement as well as the evaluation method. In measurement and evaluation of noise and vibration, two types of tests, including the receiver test (R-Test) and path test (P-Test), are presented. The R-Test is to investigate the noise characteristics of the rotary compressor in different operating conditions, and so forth the correlation study between noise and vibration is also studied. Then, the R-Test for the air conditioner is performed to examine the noise conditions as well as the correlation study between noise and vibration. Finally, the comparison of noise and vibration between the rotary compressor and the air conditioner system is explored. From the P-Test on the compressor with the knowledge of modal properties, the noise diagnosis on the rotary compressor can be carried out, and the noise diagnosis procedure can also be established for practical application. Results show the rotary compressor in operating reveals significant noise bands at 250, 800 and 1250Hz. When the compressor assembled into the air conditioner, the noise level is reduced 13.08dBA, and the noise insulation layer can reduce 2.43dBA. Also, the 250 and 400Hz of 1/3 octave band become the major contribution that should be considered in noise diagnosis and improvement for the compressor. This work aims to investigate the correlation of noise and vibration between the rotary compressor and air conditioner and develop the diagnosis procedure for compressor noise improvement. The experimental approach and diagnosis procedures can be useful for compressor manufacturers to improve the compressor design in particular for noise and vibration concerns.


7.Park, S. G., Park, J. T., Seo, K. W., and Lee, G. B., 2012, “Comparison of the Sound Quality Characteristics for the Outdoor Unit according to the Compressor Model”, International Compressor Engineering Conference, Purdue University, USA, Paper 2229.


