  • 學位論文


Development of automated grip locked assembly system for golf heads

指導教授 : 林宜弘


高爾夫球頭鑄造前製程包含射蠟、球頭蠟模修蠟、電烙鐵燙澆口、組樹到最後鎖握把,這些製程均需要許多人力逐步完成。因此,本研究為球頭蠟模組樹作業後的鎖握把自動化設備開發,將現場人力鎖握把動作的機械式重複性動作,改為自動化設備可替代現場人力作業,增加生產效率。 本研究旨在開發鎖握把自動化設備配合組樹自動化設備,組樹設備將蠟球頭與蠟模頭結合後,再由本研究所開發設備執行鎖握把作業,蠟模頭擬定依照不同種類製作固定治具,使蠟模頭放置時能精準定位;依握把尺寸形狀製作出放置握把的固定板,運用附有乘載板的鍊條輸送帶將握把輸送至工作站,並運用光電感測器感測,將握把輸送到工作站定點,快速扣片扣緊握把由伺服馬達帶動旋轉,伺服馬達鎖緊握把到達扭力值設定上限停止轉動完成鎖緊作業,作業時間平均一分鐘約可鎖完三支握把,大幅減少人工及作業所需時間。


The manufacture of golf club heads requires considerable manpower, for wax injection, mold trimming, heating of the gate, assembly of the wax tree prior to casting, and final locking of the shaft in place. This paper outlines a novel automated system for the attachment of the shaft following wax tree assembly with the aim of increasing production efficiency. We integrated an automated grip locked assembly system with automated wax tree assembly equipment, which combines the wax club head with the wax mold head before the grip locked assembly system is initiated. The jig of the wax mold head is made in accordance with the specific type of club to ensure precision in the positioning of the wax mold head. Fixing plates are fabricated according to the size and shape of the shaft, and a chain conveyor with carrier boards is used to transport the shafts to the work stations. Optoelectronic sensors at the work stations are used for the positioning of the grips, in which they are clasped and then rotated using servo motors. The servo motors stop the locking procedure after reaching a pre-determined maximum torque value. This system enables the locking of three grips within a minute, thereby significantly reducing labor and time required for golf club assembly.


8.劉庭邑,2013,滾子鏈條之張力與運動分析及其與靜音鏈條之比較, 碩士論文,國立成功大學,台南。
