  • 學位論文


A study on Landscape Planning and Design of Senior Residential Area - A case of Dong-Pian Retirement Village

指導教授 : 羅清吉


近年來台灣醫療科技日益發達而進入高齡化社會,且因現代人晚婚及未生育的比例逐漸增加,各國老年人口比率逐年攀升。隨著養生保健觀念逐漸被重視。國人對於高齡住宅概念開始興起,住宅應具有無障礙的建築環境設計、可適性及終身的設計概念已成為我國未來在老人住宅建設重要目標。 政府為因應高齡化社會的來臨,並建構對高齡者友善的居住環境及居住需求,於2004年核定「促進民間參與老人住宅建設推動方案」獎勵民間參與興建高齡住宅,而高齡者住宅逐漸擺脫過去安養院的負面觀感,現在可在住宅內享受安全、舒適及健康的生活品質。 研究發現規劃高齡住宅戶外環境空間時需以任何人都能使用的通用設計為前提,動線規劃應考慮高齡者從自宅到公共設施的可及性及便利性且需設置防滑鋪面,而戶外座椅及復健輔具應以符合銀髮族人體工學為考量,並設置自然景觀元素造景。 本研究以探討高齡者居住環境需求及無障礙空間需求,並以電腦模擬實質環境進行景觀環境規劃,模擬養生社區環境,未來可提供高齡住宅景觀環境規劃之參考。


The population aging is a phenomenon in Taiwan society caused by the well developed technology of today. The proportion of aged population is getting higher due to the late marriage and more and more people choosing not to bear child. Therefore, the concept of elderly residence emerges and the ideas of barrier free environment design, suitability, and lifelong design become the goal in designing such community. The government responds to the phenomenon and starts to construct the elder friendly environment and residence, publishing the “Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Elderly Residence” in 2004 to promote the private participation in elderly residence. The elderly residence gradually shakes off the negative stereotype and offers secure, cozy, and health living quality for elder citizen. The study finds out that the arrangement for outdoor environment of the elderly residence should use natural elements to create the artificial view and focus on the principle of generic design, planning traffic flow from the residence to the public facility with high accessibility and setting up anti-skidding surface, deploying outdoor seats and rehabilitation equipment fitting the elderly ergonomics. The study probes into the spatial and barrier free requirements for elderly residence, simulating the on-site environment to make the arrangement, developing a beautiful health living community with high security. The study may serve as a useful reference for designer making the arrangement for elderly residence.


12.陳光雄(2006),台灣銀髮住宅相關法規簡介,Taiwan Geriatr


