  • 學位論文


Design of a Handoff Mechanism Based On Mobile Relay Nodes in a LTE-A System

指導教授 : 龔旭陽


LTE-A(Long Term Evolution-Advanced)為長期演進技術升級版,是3GPP於2011年3月將之完成標準化成為LTE (Long Term Evolution)的增強版本,兩者都是目前4G網路主要協定。在LTE-A架構中,增加了低成本、易建置的中繼節點(Relay Node, RN)設備,接收、增強及重新發射上下行訊號,以改善基地台訊號邊緣及地下室等通訊死角之連線品質。 3GPP提出了將RN建置於如大眾運輸的行動工具上,以提供UE來進行連線,當此RN具有移動性時,此RN則稱為MRN(Mobile Relay Node),在過去移動性網路中,使用者必須移動至連線基地台的訊號邊緣,才會啟動換手機制,但有MRN環境下,由於未來運輸工具會越來越快,當運輸工具快速離開車站時,極有可能因為來不及換手而產生了訊號中斷,在運輸工具行進中時,由於所有使用者皆透過MRN來與LTE-A網路進行連線,有別於過去所有使用者各自與基地台連線。 有鑑於此,本文提出了預測式緩衝區控制機制及強制換手機制,並就上列問題中,以(1)運輸工具行進間,所有UE透由MRN連線之群組換手。(2)各UE上下運輸工具時,UE的預警性強制換手。及(3)當有兩個以上運輸工具時,UE搭乘運輸工具正確選擇MRN之換手。三項議題來進行討論,以盡量避免因來不及換手而產生的訊號中斷。 最後,我們透過NS2來模擬真實情況,車子於車站停靠時,車上使用者離開,並將連線訊號從車上的MRN強制換手到車外的其他基地台,與車站使用者上車,將連線訊號從車外其他基地台,強制換手至車上MRN的情境,透由強制換手機制,我們可於第一時間將9成左右乘客的連線訊號換手成功,如此便可盡量避免因運輸工具快速離開而來不及換手造成的斷線。


LTE-A (Long Term Evolution-Advanced) is an enhanced version of LTE (Long Term Evolution), Which was standardized by the 3GPP in March 2011, both are currently 4G network main protocol. order to improve the base station signal edges and corners of the basement and other communications In the LTE-A network, increased the connection device relay node (Relay Node, RN) with low-cost and easy to build. It receives, enhanced and re-transmit the signal of downlink and uplink. 3GPP proposed build a RN in a public transportation, all UEs in the transportation can Connection to LTE-A System by the RN. We call this RN to MRN(Mobile Relay Node) which was build in a move Equipment, The public transportation will be faster in the future, and UEs may disconnection from LTE-A System when the public transportation fast leave the station. In order to avoid the signal interrupt of to late to handoff . We propose three topics: (1) when the transportation is traveling, all the UE handoff through the group connection of MRN . (2) each UE get on and get off the transport, UE warning coercion handoff. And (3) When has two or more transportation, the correct choice of MRN handoff of the transportation the UE travel by. to be discussed. Finally, we use NS2 simulate the real situation, We get some conclusions, forthputting forcibly handoff, we can success with handoff about 90% of the passenger signal connection in the first time, so it can be avoided the connection failed of too late to handoff of transportation too fast to leave .


LTE/LTE-A System Mobile Relay Node Handoff


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