  • 學位論文


An Action Research on Micro Business' Application of Experiential Marketing: The case of Y Biotechnological Company

指導教授 : 賴鳳儀


依據2013年統計資料,臺灣的中小企業比例高達97.64%,但中小企業在創業初期五年存活率卻偏低。因此政府為了協助台灣的中小企業進行創新與轉型,由經濟部中小企業處在全國各大專校院設立創新育成中心,透過各校之校內外資源盤整,以培育進駐育成中心之中小企業,提升中小企業創業初期的存活率。 本研究以一間受南部育成中心輔導的微型企業Y公司為案例,透過研究者(育成人員)的諮詢輔導,以行動研究循環之計畫、執行、觀察、省思的四步驟,將體驗行銷的理論融入行銷活動專案,並由Y公司於台中店面執行與導入此專案。研究資料來源包含訪談、次級資料、以及研究者的管理省思日誌等。資料分析主要以質性資料編碼並進行主題歸納方式進行。整體而言,置入之行動方案並不成功。歸納主要原因發現,研究者規劃與研究對象落實執行之間存有相當落差,分為兩部分討論:企業端因素有:經費、人力、時間、空間、能力、外部資源的不足;研究者(輔導端)則因僅為輔導角色、與公司內部仍有資訊落差、無執行權等原因。此外,實際體驗活動方案實施過程也發現在社群媒體發佈的活動訊息,並無法有效轉換成實際來店顧客數;相反的傳統大眾傳媒的採訪與曝光,卻為業績帶來明顯成長。依據本研究發現,研究者提出對於育成輔導、媒體溝通、以及品牌社群與體驗行銷的規畫方案給企業做為參考,以期望到品牌永續發展之目的。


Statistics of 2013 shows the ratio of the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) was 97.64% in Taiwan. It is difficult for the SMEs to survive at the first five years. In order to help the SMEs to innovate and upgrade to increase survival rate, the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs established and sponsored many innovation incubation centers at university campuses. These centers’ main purposes are to incubate SMEs through collaborating resources from inside and outside of schools. This study is an action research of an incubated micro enterprise Y. The researcher is the incubator of the incubation center. The researcher applied experiential marketing theory in promotional event during mother’s day holiday in 2015. Data collection included semi-structure interviews, researcher’s management diaries, photos, films, websites...etc. Data analyses used qualitative data induction technique to frame major themes of the findings. Overall the campaign was not a success. Major reasons are as followings. First, the results identified gaps between the researcher's plans and Y Company's action. The causes of the gaps, from Y Company side are: short of budget, manpower, time, space, ability and outer resources. Gaps from the researcher side are: incubator was not decision maker, information flow issues between the researcher and Y Company, and no executive power possessed. Second, marketing event information announced through the retail store’s Facebook could not and did not bring enough numbers of prospect customers or existing customers. On the contrary, mass media reports brought substantial customers. Based on the major findings, suggestions of building brand community and experiential marketing campaign for Y Company are provided.


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