  • 學位論文


Effect of different composts on two kinds of soil properties and yields of leafy vegetables

指導教授 : 余伍洲


台灣早期農民習慣直接使用生雞糞作為農作的肥料,因生雞糞價格便宜、肥份足夠且取得方便,但若長時使用會造成許多環境問題,如易孳生蚊蠅、惡臭,污染水源、土壤酸化亦有導致土壤中重金屬含量超過標準之虞。 由於社會進步,人們環保意識抬頭,所以愈注重以環境為導向的有機農業,本研究主要以雞糞為堆肥主體,混合不同調整材進行堆肥化實驗,包括木屑、迴流菌種,混合生雞糞與調整材,並經由物理、化學及生物分析結果比較。觀察堆肥過程之溫度、含水率、pH變化,最後檢測發芽率、C/N與重金屬來判斷堆肥腐熟度及對植物影響。在溫度、含水率、pH 、C/N 及發芽率的變化結果顯示,生雞糞添加迴流菌堆肥於發酵高溫期57.8℃以上持續5天為最高溫,各腐熟堆肥pH值皆為弱鹼性,其含水率皆符合標準。在化學分析部分,生雞糞堆肥與快速發酵雞糞堆肥C/N皆小於20,符合堆肥C/N標準,故施用此兩種堆肥進行盆栽試驗。其快速雞糞發酵堆肥發芽率小於90%,不符合發芽率標準。 實驗分別用到兩種不同性質的土壤,分別為紅土與培養土,施用的肥料為生雞糞堆肥、快速雞糞發酵堆肥、市售有機肥料,栽培的植物為空心菜、油菜心與小白菜,施用後三種堆肥在紅土上為快速發酵堆肥對植物生長較佳,因快速發酵堆肥為鹼性,若長期使用可改善紅土酸性的性質,而在培養土為施用生雞糞堆肥效過對植物生長較佳,其原因為養分較足夠。 關鍵字:生雞糞、堆肥化處理、紅土、盆栽試驗。


In the early agriculture in Taiwan , farmers were directly using the fresh chicken manure as the natural fertilizer. Although the chicken manure was easy to obtain and low cost to purchase, it cause the environment when fertilizing it a long period of time, for example, breeding mosquito, odor, water pollution and soil acidification... Organic farming has received more and more attention from environmentalists, academic, and consumers in recent years. This study used the fresh chicken manure for the main materials, adding and mixing the different adjustment materials, such as sawdust, reflow bacterium and analyze the ferment mixture in physics, chemistry and the biological. Recording the variation of temperature, moisture content, pH, C/N, germination ratio and heavy metal to determine compost maturity and plants. In the variation of temperature, moisture content, pH, C/N and germination ratio, showed that the regulation above 57.8℃ high temperature with fresh chicken mix reflow bacterium compost for 16 days, the PH of all the compost was alkaline, moisture content are in compliance with the standard. Fresh chicken manure compost and rapid fermentation of chicken manure compost C / N are less than 20, in line with compost C / N standard, so applying these two composts to pot experiment. Rapid fermentation of chicken manure compost germination rate is less than 90% does not meet the standard germination rate. The study used two different kinds of soil is laterite and cultivation soil, applying of fertilizer are fresh chicken manure compost, rapid fermentation of chicken manure compost and commercial organic fertilizer, cultivated plants as Water Convolvulus, Rapeseed and Pak-choi. It is observed that plants grew better in laterite with 3 types of rapid fermentation compost. The reason is that the alkaline rapid fermentation compost neutralize the acidity of laterite in long term. On the other hand, fresh manure compost worked better in cultivation soil in fostering plant growth. It is probably due to the abundant nutrients provided by the fresh manure compost. Keywords:Fresh chicken manure, Composting, Laterite, Pot experiment


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