  • 學位論文


Research on the Rainbow Pattern of Optical Adhesive with Taguchi Quality Engineering Design

指導教授 : 黃祥熙


本研究探討微鏡頭光學固化後品質問題,當3C產品不斷薄型化或微小化時,其照像或錄影所使用相機模組也日趨微型化,目前相機模組受限於材料,模組微型化已到其極限。在此情況下,耐高溫晶圓級(Wafer Level)微型鏡頭是突破此極限最有可能的方式,尤其黏貼膠材於固化後彩虹紋對微鏡頭光學品質影響甚巨,本研究乃利用田口品質工程實驗設計,建立SN最大平均比值,確立最佳化實驗組合,找出p值<0.05之顯著性,同時減少實驗成本,使晶圓級鏡頭的光學品質有效提升,解決膠材於UV固化後表面形成規則性的凹槽折射獲得重大利益。


This study investigated quality issues on the micro-lens optical system. When 3C products continue to become be more thin or miniaturized, the video camera modules are also gradually miniaturized. The miniaturization of modular has reached its limit because the material is limited currently. In this case, high-temperature wafer level micro lenses are the most likely to break through the limits of this approach. However, the rainbow pattern rising from UV curable resin during curing influences the micro-lens optical quality very great. Hence, this study use DOE (Design of Experiments) quality engineering, set-up the maximum average SN ratio, established the optimal combination of experiments, to find p value <0.05 of significant resistance, while reducing the cost of the experiment, the wafer level micro lens effectively enhance the optical quality, to solve obtain significant benefits by a recess formed on the surface regularity refractive UV cured.


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