  • 學位論文


Heavy metal partition in size fraction humic substances extracted from suspended particulate matter and sludge

指導教授 : 陳庭堅


了解金屬在膠體與真溶解相(< 1 k Da)的分佈可以了解金屬在環境的宿命與生物有效性。本研究探討河川懸浮固體(SPM)與豬污泥金屬全量與腐植質(HS)金屬濃度:HS進一步分離為膠體(3種分子量)與真溶解相,量測HS之金屬濃度與溶解有機碳(DOC)濃度,分析金屬在膠體與真溶解相之分佈與分配。厭氧污泥Zn全量濃度最高3.7±0.3 g/kg,污泥施用於農地可能產生危害。兩種樣品(SPM與污泥) HS萃取液皆以大分子量膠體( >100 kDa)有較高的DOC與金屬濃度。DOC濃度與大部份金屬濃度呈現正相關性。接近畜牧廢水排放口之SPM金屬濃度與污泥金屬濃度分配行為相近。金屬性質不同因此金屬的分配也會改變,例如Cu、Cr在不同分子量HS及不同樣本的分佈係數有明顯的差別,而Ni元素則較無差異。SPM與豬廢水污泥中絕大多數金屬分佈係數(Koc)值都 > 1,這意味著金屬較容易分佈於膠體上。


To understand heavy metals distribution between colloid and truly dissolved phase (< 1 k Da) can help to realize the fate and bioavailability of heavy metal in environment. This study investigated levels of total metal and metal concentration of humic substances (HS) in both suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sludge. HS solution was further separated into four different molecular weight solutions including three colloidal and truly dissolved phases. Total zinc concentration was highest concentration 3.7±0.3 g/kg in anaerobic sludge than other metals. When sludge is applied in agricultural soil could cause dangerous to plant and environment. High molecular weight of HS solutions (>100 kDa) had higher DOC and metal concentrations than other size fractions for both SPM and sludge. Most of metal concentrations had positive correlation with DOC concentrations. Heavy metal concentration and distribution behavior of SPM samples taken from site near outlet of livestock effluent had similar distribution behavior to sludge. Heavy metals have different properties that caused heavy metal change distribution behavior. For example, Cu and Cr had different distribution coefficients (Koc) for size fraction HS but Ni had no significantly different in distribution coefficients for size fraction HS. Most of distribution coefficients were higher than 1.0 for SPM and sludge samples that indicated heavy metal easy bind to colloidal phases.


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