  • 學位論文


Effects of Cooperative Learning on English Learning among the Eighth Graders in Pingtung County

指導教授 : 鍾鳳嬌


本研究目的在探討合作學習法對屏東縣國中八年級學生英語科學習之影響,並了解合作學習在國中英語科教學中實施之歷程,同時亦以實施合作學習促進學生之間的同儕互動與合作。研究者以一個八年級任課班級共29位學生為研究對象,設計三個單元的合作學習課程,進行為期七週的研究。期間以英語科段考、學生分組合作學習經驗量表進行前後測,並蒐集小組觀察紀錄、學生訪談、教學日誌等相關文件加以分析。本研究以行動研究法為之,獲得結論如下: 一、合作學習於國中八年級學生英語科實施之歷程可分為教學前課 程規劃、教學中活動進行及教學後省思三階段。 二、實施合作學習對國中學生英語學習成就有顯著影響。 三、實施合作學習能明顯提高國中學生英語學習動機與態度 四、實施合作學習能顯著增進學生的同儕互動與合作 五、參與實驗學生高度接受合作學習方式 六、合作學習有助於教師專業成長 研究者依以上研究結論提出相關建議,以作為教育機關、教育人員及未來研究之參考。


The first purpose of this study was to explore the effects of cooperative learning on English learning among the eighth graders in Pingtung County. Another purpose of this study was to experience the progress of using cooperative learning in the English class at junior schools. Also, by using cooperative learning , the researcher would like to promote the interaction between students.The participants conisited of twenty-nine eighth graders from a junior high school , and the research had been implemented for seven weeks.Action research was adopted in this study. Data such as observation records during classes, interview notes, teaching diary and other related documents were collected and analyzed to answer the research questions. The results are as follow: 1.The implement of cooperative learning on English learning among the eighth graders can be divided into three parts: teacher’s preparation of workable teaching strategies, teacher’s activities of guiding students to participation, and teacher’s modification of teaching. 2.The scores of English learning achievement tests were significantly influenced by cooperative learning. 3.Cooperative learning improved students’ English learning attitude and motivation. 4.Students’ social skills and peer interaction were significantly improved after the cooperative learning program. 5.The experimental class took positive attitude toward the Cooperative learning approach. 6. Cooperative learning promote the teacher’s professional development. Finally, suggestions for applying cooperative learning at schools and for further studies are recommended.


Johnson, R. T., & Johnson, D. W. (1986). Action research: Co-operative learning in the science classroom. Science and Children, 24(2), 31-33.
