  • 學位論文


A Study on Physician Satisfaction and Hospital Profits of Cross-branches Scheduling

指導教授 : 黃怡詔




Patients with minor symptoms use large hospitals is waste of valuable medical resources. Unfortunately, it happens in Taiwan in recent years. Hence, the government comes up with a proposal -- a joint inter hospitals integration project combined with physician support models designed to implement referral system -- to facilitate the integration of medical resources. This study aims at discussing maximizing profits of hospital while maximizing physician satisfaction of work schedule when assigning physicians to support other branches under physician support models. Method of integer programming is illustrated and analyzed in this study, and then an actual case is also demonstrated in this study. The result shows that this model can meet the demand of maximization of profits of hospital while maximization of physician satisfaction of work schedule by reducing the number of times which physicians are assigned to work at cross-branches scheduling. Finally, comparing to traditional way, it only costs several seconds to arrange the optimized work schedule by the use of computer to provide management as the basis for scheduling and to improve the efficiency.


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