  • 學位論文


Applying Earth Electrical Method to Investigate Shazongliao Region Stratum Characteristics

指導教授 : 許中立


本研究利用地球物理探測之一的電氣探測法,使用其中的溫奈四極排列法對台東縣池上鄉山棕寮地滑地區域進行調查分析,並配合地質鑽探、傾度管觀測等資料布設測點與測線,期望透過電氣探測法彌補鑽探孔位之不足及限制,並能提供該區域更詳盡之地層資訊。 本研究於山棕寮地滑地區域一共布設了6條測線,共15個測點,每個測點深度約30公尺,利用電氣探測法探測所得之資料繪製成ρa-a曲線圖,分析其曲線特性,再透過軟體將探測所得數據繪製成二維地層電性剖面圖,提供二維之地層結構分析,並將研究結果與傾度管資料及鑽探資料進行比對確認,達到電氣探測法之調查迅速、簡便的優點,因其為非破壞性試驗,所費較少,搭配相關資料更有助於瞭解地層資訊,同時可以用來調查地下水之分布及影響。 本研究區域透過觀測資料得知,該地滑地區域地層結構有部分為鬆散、破碎及地下水豐沛之情形,極易產生滑動破壞,但經由分析結果看出該區域大部分區域變動屬於緩慢運動中的等級,因此須持續進行觀測,並規劃由治理工程介入保護。


電氣探測 地層 地滑 地質鑽探


To provide data of regional strata in Shanzongliao (Taitung County, Taiwan)in more detail, the earth electrical logging method applied in geophysical explorations was used in this study to compensate for the current borehole deficiencies and limitations. The Wenner array in the earth electrical logging method was employed to perform a stratigraphic profile analysis of the Shanzongliao landslide areas in Chishang Township, Taitung County. Survey points and survey lines were set up by incorporating data derived from geological boring and inclination observation tubes. 15 survey points along six survey lines were established in the Shanzongliao landslide areas. Each survey point measured approximately 30 m in depth, from which data obtained using the earth electrical logging method were used to generate ρa-a curves; the curve characteristics were then analyzed. Next, the collected data was utilized to plot the 2D stratigraphic profile by the software for stratigraphic structure analysis. Finally, the research results were compared with data obtained from boreholes and inclination observation tubes for verification. The whole process validated the advantages of the earth electrical logging method: quick, convenient, and non-destructive. By combining it with relevant data, further insight into strata information can be obtained; meanwhile, groundwater distribution and relevant effects can be further investigated. Field observations showed that some areas in the landslide region are characterized by loose, fragmented strata structures and an abundance of groundwater, which highly increase the possibility of landslide destructions. However, Analysis of the aforementioned region showed that there are still slow and stable land movements in some areas of the region. Therefore, continuous monitor or regulative engineering must be in place to enhance the conservation.


