  • 學位論文


A Study on the Traditional Hakka Birth Custom in Liudui Area

指導教授 : 李梁淑


近年世界各地文化資產保存的議題漸受重視,六堆地區的客家人於康熙年間至屏東平原開疆拓土、繁衍生命,歷經兩三百年之久,在重視傳宗接代、生命繁衍和歷史的磨合下,孕育出豐富且富在地色彩之生育禮俗文化,惟時代日新月異,此充滿繁文縟節之傳統生育禮俗文化已不再受重視,面臨消逝的危機。研究者身為客家人,對客家文化的傳承有份使命感,深覺有必要將此逐漸消失的客家禮俗文化記錄下來,讓珍貴的客家文化資產得以保留。   本研究以六堆客家傳統生育禮俗為探究對象,範圍始自懷胎之孕育,至胎兒出生到周歲的各個階段為主。透過質化的深入訪談法,蒐集及記錄流傳於六堆地區的傳統生育禮俗文化,再以文獻分析法、實物分析法及生育禮俗相關理論做論述依據,釐清傳統生育禮俗文化之特殊性及其所蘊含的文化意涵,進一步探討在現代社會轉化及傳承、保存的方式。本研究發現六堆傳統生育禮俗文化之意涵與價值有四: 一、重視傳統文化、氏族及祖先的敬重,反映「崇祖念本」之生育禮 俗。若喜獲麟兒,總認為是祖先的庇佑,必以豐盛之三牲素果來 祭祀祖宗,尤其是在新生兒出生第三天的「洗三朝」、「滿月」 及「周歲」;到了清明祭祖時,還不忘準備「新丁粄」至墳前祭 祖,以告慰祖先在天之靈,並護佑子孫平安。  二、重視父權、族群繁衍、強調香火傳承的「重男輕女」之生育禮俗。 不論是在「祈子」習俗、生子的祭祖,或是生男孩才依倫序命 名、美濃地區十二朝的「送薑酒」,就連慶生的禮品都體現此重 男輕女文化現象。但近年女權受重視,有些地區生女兒也可參加 拜新丁活動。  三、敬重天地神靈,離不開「宗教信仰」之生育禮俗。始自婦女未孕 的祈子,到懷孕的護產、安產,至新生兒出生的各個階段,為求 平安長大都訴諸神靈的幫助以祈庇護。但在祭祀供品上反映六堆 地區之特色,如盤花及早期客家婦女梳「三把頭」髮髻的紅線 等。  四、醫學及科學知識不發達時代,充滿「禁忌」之傳統生育禮俗。由於 重視生育,加上舊時的醫療環境差,和相信胎神及神靈的信仰, 又基於愛護產婦及胎兒等等複雜的因素,讓早期婦女的懷孕、生 產及坐月子,蒙上「神秘」的面紗,衍生出許多生活中的禁忌。 六堆客家傳統生育禮俗文化是客家先民在六堆地區世代生活經驗的智慧累積,也是客家民族的精神文化內涵,相當具有代表性的文化資產。本研究建議有三: 一、應結合鄉土教學及教材編纂方式來傳承生育禮俗之文化,讓學童 從小就奠定對生命的尊重,學會人與人之間的人文關懷及情感交 流,共創充滿溫馨和諧的社會。 二、透過生育禮俗文化的展示與典藏將之保存及展示,用數位的方式 來典藏管理,並將之拍成影音紀錄片,再透過各地的放映,讓客 家文化得以保存及發揚。  三、將富文化意涵的生育禮俗文物,給予創新及活化,設計成各種「趨 吉避凶」的圖騰,結合時下的生活用品、衣飾,讓傳統生育禮俗 的美好祝福體現在衣飾、文具,以發揚傳統客家文化之美,並再 創六堆客家地區的文化商機。


六堆 生育禮俗 做月子 送薑酒 拜新丁 滿月


In recent years, the preservation of cultural heritage has become an important topic across the world. In the Emperor Kangxi eras of Qing Dynasty, Hakka people arrived in Pingtung, settled down on this fertile flatland, and multiplied their descendents for nearly three centuries. With a strong passion for their ancestral line and historical heritage, Hakka people have created a fascinating birth custom combined with local history as time passed by. With the rapid changes of society, however, people start to overlook the complicated formalities that have been observed by their ancestors for generations. Just like all other complicated formalities, the birth custom is likely to be forgotten sooner or later. As a Hakka descendent, the author has a strong sense of mission to preserve Hakka culture and to record the rites of procreation as well as the nurturing culture that belong to Hakka people, allowing the valuable Hakka cultural heritage to pass down from generation to generation. The author examined the traditional birth custom in Liudui with emphasis on pregnancy, birth, gestation, and baby’s new full year of life. Using qualitative in-depth interviews, the author gathered and recorded the data related to the traditional birth custom that is known to local residents in Liudui, followed by discussions based on documentary analysis, material object analysis, and birth custom theorems in an attempt to find out the uniqueness of the traditional birth custom as well as the cultural implications behind it, and with the findings stated above, the author examined how the birth custom is transformed, inherited, and preserved in today’s society. In conclusion, the author identified the implications and values of Liudui birth custom as follows: 1.Hakka people maintain a heartfelt respect for their traditional culture, clans, and ancestors. The respect is manifested by their lofty belief in the birth custom that features “Reverence to ancestors and adherence to the roots.” Hakka people attribute the birth of boys to their ancestors’ help, offer Three Sacrifices (poultry, fish, and hog) and fruits as a gift to their ancestors, and thank the ancestors for the birth of boys. Offerings are presented to ancestors in many occasions, for example, in the “bathing baby” ceremony on the third day after the baby was born, in the “full month” ceremony, and in the “baby’s one-year old” ceremony. On the tomb-sweeping day, Hakka people burn incense and offer Sindingban (literally new birth cake) at the graves of their ancestors to comfort the spirits of the deceased and to pray for the peace and prosperity of their children and grandchildren. 2.Hakka birth custom stresses patriarchy, prosperity of descendent groups, and kinship inheritance. People follow the male-preference tradition in many ways. For example, people pray for having boys instead of having girls, people worship ancestors when boys are born, only boys are allowed to be named under the families’ generational system, people in Meinung Town of Kaohsiung send Ginger Ale to friends and relatives on the 12th day after boys are born, and people prepare different birthday gifts according to babies’ genders because they prefer sons to daughters. With the increasing women’s rights in recent years, however, many people have arranged Bai Sin Ding festivals (literally celebration of the new birth) to celebrate the birth of girls. 3.The respect for the gods of heaven and earth is a part of the birth custom. People pray to gods to protect their babies in all birth stages, such as the prayer for having boys, the prayer for a safe pregnancy, and the prayer for safe delivery of babies. It is interesting to note that Liudui regional features are seen in the offerings prepared for the gods, such as discoid flowers as well as the red threads in women’shair-coils. 4.In the early days, people were short of medical and science knowledge, and believed in many contraindications associated with the birth custom. Birth was very important but medical equipment was underdeveloped and insufficient to serve the birth needs. People had to believe in the fetal gods and deities for the safety of puerpera and fetus. The belief in deities was intended for the safety of puerpera and fetus. Yet, many contraindications were created along with the belief. To ensure safe pregnancy, safe delivery of babies, and safe postpartum care, pregnant women were prohibited from doing certain things for a number of “mysterious” reasons. The birth custom in Liudui Hakka community represents the wisdoms passing down from Hakka ancestors, signifies Hakka cultural essence, and serves as an iconic cultural heritage in Taiwan. Based on the discussions stated above, the author presents tangible recommendations as follows: 1.To integrate local cultural teaching activities into curriculum in order to inherit the birth custom, allowing schoolchildren to learn how to respect lives and how to interact with the other affectively so as to create a harmonious society, 2.To preserve the birth custom using digital means and to exhibit the digitalized birth custom to the general public, to produce documentary films for public viewing, allowing Hakka culture to be preserved and promoted one step further, and. 3.To renovate and energize the birth custom relics, incorporating the relics into all kinds of totems featuring “pursuing good fortunes and avoiding disasters,” and integrating the totems into daily necessities, clothing and ornaments, allowing the best wishes accompanied by the birth custom to be seen in the clothes and stationeries so as to promote the beauty of Hakka culture and to create the cultural business opportunities for Liudui Hakka community.


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