  • 學位論文


Effect of supplemental LED lighting with different narrowband wavelengths during night on the growth of Lollo Rosso lettuce

指導教授 : 張仲良


紅捲鬚萵苣(Lactuca sativa ‘Lollo Rosso’ )內含豐富的維生素C(ascorbic acid)、總酚(total phenol)與花青素(anthocyanin)。然而,在簡易溫室內進行種植時所使用的披覆材質會減低溫室內各區域受光強度,導致溫室內所栽培之萵苣作物因受光不足而影響產量與生長品質。因此,本研究採以不影響作物自然生長的條件下進行夜間補光措施以求改善上述問題。我們在圓拱型溫室內,放置一自行設計與製作的水耕栽培設施,包括多組栽培床架、燈具與調光裝置、養液循環裝置以及自動噴霧裝置來進行萵苣栽培實驗。實驗地點位於國立屏東科技大學生物機電工程系一館二樓天台(經度:120°36'25.038"E緯度:22°38'52.8576"N)。本實驗共進行兩次(分別為實驗一與實驗二),每次實驗處理分為補光組及對照組(不補光組),實驗組的補光處理共4種單色光,分別是紅光(655 nm)、綠光(525 nm)、藍光(445 nm)以及紫外光(380 nm),各單色光之光子通量密度方面,除了紫外光光子通量密度為20μmol.m-2.s-1)之外,其餘皆為150μmol.m-2.s-1。我們觀察與分析紅捲鬚萵苣分別經由各單色光照射後之外觀呈現差異,萵苣調查項目包含地上部鮮重、葉、莖、根鮮重、葉片數、葉面積、最大葉寬、平均葉寬、最大葉長、相對葉綠素SPAD值、相對花青素ACI值、硝酸鹽含量、色差分析以及性價比(cost-performance ratio)。實驗一結果可得知,藍光處理可獲得最高地上部鮮重,相對於對照組來說增加了38 %,而紅光處理後的結果相較於綠光、紫外光與對照組的結果來說是具有提升相對花青素ACI值。另外,實驗二的結果可得知,紅光與紫外光處理後以及對照組的結果相較於綠光的結果來說是具有顯著增加相對葉綠素SPAD值,在色差分析方面,藍光處理後的萵苣,其綠色程度顯著高於綠光處理方式。在性價比方面,採用紅光處理的方式在兩次實驗中皆獲得最高的性價比(CP值),因此,本研究結果得知,使用紅光進行夜間補光可以同時兼顧葉片鮮重與花青素含量,為最有效益之補光方法。


The Lollo Rosso lettuce(Lactuca sativa) contains high ascorbic acid, total phenol, and anthocyanin. However, the roof covering materials will result in insufficient light and filtering ultraviolet light for lettuce growth in greenhouse and reduce lettuce yield and quality. This study propsed a supplemental LED lighting method using different single narrowband wavelengths to irradiate lettuce at night, respectively. The self-designed hydroponic and environmental control facilities were installed in a greenhouse to meet lettuce growth condition. The experimental site was located on the roof of the Department of Biomechatronics Engineering building, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (E 120°36'25.038" N 22°38'52.8576). Two experiments were performed and each of them had control group (without supplemental light case), while test group included four monochromatic light irradiation treatments which were, red (655 nm), blue (445 nm), green (525 nm), and ultra UV (380 nm), respectively. The lighting intensity of each monochromatic irradiation was 150μmol.m-2.s-1 except for UV light (20μmol.m-2.s-1). The growth analysis of lettuce included, fresh weight shoot, leaf, stem, and root, leaf number, leaf area, maximum leaf width, average leaf width, maximum leaf length, relative chlorophyll value (SPAD), relative anthocyanin value (ACI), nitrate content, leaf color analysis, and cost-effecitve. The first experiment results demonstrated that the maximum shoot fresh weight was obtained under blue light irradiation treatment. The hightest anthocyanin ACI value was obtained under red light treatment. The second experiment results showed that the use of red light, UV light and without supplemental light irradiation had higher SPAD value in constrast to green light irradiation. Regarding color analysis, blue light treatment got higher green level than green light iridation treatment. As for cost-performance (CP) analysis, the highest CP value was acquired through red light treatment under both experiments. Therefore, the use of red light irridation for lettuce at night was more benefit for lettuce growth and can obtain better leaf fresh weight, content of anthocyanin, and CP ratio in contrast to other treatments.


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