  • 學位論文


A Study on the Growth and Performance of the Village Saving and Credit Association (VISACA) Banks in the Gambia

指導教授 : 洪仁杰


甘比亞農業部門信用來源主要依賴商業銀行(約估2/3),其次則是如鄉鎮存貸協會銀行(VISACA)的小型金融機構。VISACA由社區所經營管理,藉由提供農民小額具自償性貸款及刺激存款,以作為提供貧窮農民脫貧的重要工具。VISACA以社區之團體(特別是女性)為主要目標市場。 但VISACA之滲透率有限,VISACA之挑戰來自同時要滿足最貧困客戶之需求以及本身之財務達到自給自足。本研究之目的在於探討VISACA之績效及成長性。 本研究在甘比亞中央河流區之南北岸蒐集研究所需資料,其中五家VISACA在南岸,其他5家VISACA在北岸。在每一間選定之VISACA中,5位管理者及10位會員,分別填寫不同之問卷。 研究結果顯示52%之VISACA會員為男性,48%為女性。年齡在36-51歲54%之VISACA會員年齡在36-51歲,而72%之會員家中超過5位成員。VISACA在以婦女顧客之百分比、會員之職業及家戶之規模為衡量的業務拓展深度方面之表現尚佳;然而在以借款者人數及會員成長上為衡量的業務拓展廣度方面表現不佳,而其問題在於半償還貸款之低額之存款及儲蓄。


Credit to the agricultural sector in the Gambia is heavily dependent on commercial banks which provide approximately two-thirds, while other Microfinance Institutions such as the Village Saving and Credit Association VISACA Banks provide the remaining third. The VISACA Banks are managed by the community as savings and credit associations and are a means of providing tools to combat factors that cause poverty and prevent people from breaking out of it. This is achieved through the provision of loans to finance income generating activities and to stimulate voluntary savings. The VISACA model target financially disadvantaged group in the community especially women. However, VISACA Banks have a very limited penetration rate. They are challenged by the need to reach the poorest customers and at the same time being financially self sufficient. The main objective of this research was to conduct an in depth study of the VISCA Banks in the Gambian in order to determine their growth and performances in terms of outreach to the poor and their sustainability. This research was based primarily on primary data collection in the Southern and Northern Regions of the Central River Region of the Gambia. Five VISACA Banks from the Southern Region and another Five from the Northern region were conveniently selected for the survey. In each of the ten selected Banks, Five executive members of the Bank and ten non-executive members were interviewed. Correspondently, two sets of questionnaire were designed for the survey, one set for the executive members of the VISACA Banks and another set for the non-executive members. Interviews were conducted by face-face methods. Descriptive analysis of survey results shows that VISACA Banks general membership was 52% males and 48% females and 54% falls within the age brackets of 36-51years and that 72% of household constitute more than five people. It was concluded that Village saving and credit association Banks performance on depth of outreach measured by the percentage of women clients, occupation of members and household size was good. However, they exhibit poor performances in terms of breadth of outreach measured by number of borrowers and membership growth. Their sustainability seems to be affected by the non-repayment of loans and low amount of deposits and savings.


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