  • 學位論文


A Study of the Service Quality of Academic Innovation Incubators in Taiwan – Using PZB model

指導教授 : 李祥林


綜觀過去育成中心之研究,多半為績效指標的評估,然而評估育成中心績效僅能得知育成中心是否提供進駐廠商所需的支援服務,無法看出支援服務的品質,由於服務品質是影響育成中心營運績效的重要因素,因此本研究探討進駐廠商對育成中心服務的期望與實際差距來評估服務品質。本研究旨為找出構成學術型創新育成中心服務品質的項目,並根據SERVQUAL量表進行適當調整成為適用於調查育成中心服務品質的量表,比較不同背景之廠商對服務品質感受的差異,並根據研究結果給予育成中心及廠商提升服務品質之建議。   本研究採用普查方式發放問卷,共寄發1070份問卷,扣除20份因遷址不明之退回問卷,回收110份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率為10.48%。結果發現,進駐廠商對於育成中心的服務品質實際感受顯著大於期望,且新創事業較非新創事業滿意育成中心的服務,不同的產業、員工人數及地區也會對育成中心服務品質有顯著的差異。更進一步的研究顯示服務品質可以分成七個新構面,且整體滿意度會受13個項目所影響。因此本研究建議雙方在進駐前後都要進行良好的溝通,避免造成誤會或產生溝通的缺口,特別是在供需雙方認知是否一致的問題,其次為資源是否充足的問題。


Most of the previous researches on academic innovation incubators were focused on evaluating the performance. However, those researches can only reveal whether the incubators can offer the services that tenant firms need or not, but can't tell the quality of the services provided. Since the service quality is one of the important performances of the incubator, This study investigates the differences between the tenant firms’ expected and perceptive quality of the services and finds out the items composing service quality of academic innovation incubators. The SERVQUAL model is used and expanded. A census was conducted. Questionnaires were mailed to 1070 tenant firms. Except for 20 mails were returned due to wrong mailing address, 110 valid questionnaires were collected, resulting in a valid return-rate of 10.48%.The results show that the perceived quality is significantly higher than the expected quality. The startup companies feel significantly better services than non- startup companies. Furthermore, companies of different industries, numbers of employees, or locations have significantly difference in judging the service quality. An in-depth analysis shows that the service quality items can be grouped into 7 categories and the service quality can only be affected by 13 items out of total of 40 items. Based upon the funding, the author suggests both the incubators and their tenant firms have to construct a way of in order to prevent the misunderstanding or to fill the communication gap. Specifically, the problems that whether the service demanded and supplied are the same, and whether there are enough resources to carry out the services.




Shiu, H. J. (2018). 高容量與高效率嵌入隱寫術 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201800701
