  • 學位論文


Dynamic Multiple Design Chain Networks Coordination Based On the Congestion Games Model

指導教授 : 林勢敏




The NPD (New Product Development) is the most important process in the product life cycle for the reason that 80% of product cost is decided during this process. An NPD process is composed of a series of complicated, distributed and loosely coupled design chain activities. Facing a highly market oriented and changing business environment, participants in the NPD processes must frequently adjust themselves to deal with the uncertainties. In the current design chain networks, members, coming from different organizations to fulfill the NPD processes, pursue their own maximum benefits. With no coordination mechanism, the design chain members are unable to quickly and flexibly respond to the market variations and uncertainties. Conflicts therefore are likely to arise. Such conflicts always delay the product launch. Companies thus might not be able to get the first mover advantages. That is, companies will possibly lose their competitive positions, gain less benefits and moreover have less market shares. This study tries to solve the conflict problem by proposing a dynamic coordination mechanism. To build the mechanism, the Congestion Games Model is employed to formulate the design chain dynamic coordination problem and then software agents to implement it. This study takes the design chain of automation equipment as an example to execute some simulated experiments. The experimental results finally are analyzed to discuss the performance of the proposed coordination mechanism. The experimental results show that the proposed coordination mechanism performs well in distributed design chain network to resolve the arising conflicts.


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