  • 學位論文


An Efficient RFID Data Processing Scheme for Data Filtering and Recognition.

指導教授 : 龔旭陽


無線射頻辨識(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)技術發展至今,已經趨向成熟階段,許多產業紛紛導入RFID技術至生產流程,近期更擴大發展,RFID應用漸漸由單一廠商、單一應用情境擴大發展,轉變成結合整條供應鏈上之應用或是加入日常生活中成為得以快速獲取資訊之工具。即使整個產業相關廠商透過RFID達到完整供應鏈之資訊分享、透明化之流程控管以及完整生產履歷之記錄。而最近期之RFID應用更由物流管理擴大至生活應用上,例如校園方面,結合學生證進行校園安全管理、出缺勤管理及電子錢包等電子化校園應用。而在上述應用有一共同點,即未來RFID發展皆走向大規模建置,並可互相分享資訊,以達成多元應用之便利性。 為達成上述目的,便衍生出RFID中介平台(Middleware),而此中介平台之核心功能即為有效之資料匯集與資料分享以達資訊快速流通再應用。因RFID能在短時間內產生大量資料,使中介平台必須有效且快速過濾重覆與辦識有效資料。本研究針對過濾機制問題,設計一個資料處理方法,本方法利用EPC編碼之特性結合樹狀結構,以及雜湊函數(Hash function)之特性,產生有效RFID資料過濾演算法,使中介平台收到讀取器(Reader)瞬間產生之大量資料時,能快速過濾重覆性資料並減少資料量,以加速資料過濾之效率。最後本研究亦透過模擬測試驗證本方法其實質改善效率。


Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has been toward a mature stage. Many industries had import RFID technology into the production process. RFID technologies let all firms in the supply chains to share information and achieved transparency of process control and complete traceability records. At present, more RFID applications extended to life by the logistics management application. For example, aspects of the campus with student ID for campus security management, attendance management and e-purse application. RFID developments of the future are to a large-scale deployment, and share information with each other to achieve the convenience of multiple applications. To achieve the above purpose, the core function of RFID middleware is to achieve effective data collection and information sharing. Since RFID can generates large amounts of data flow in a short time, RFID middleware has to fast filter duplicated data and identify valid data. In this work, we design a data processing method to achieve on effective data filtering control. This filtering method used the EPC coding of characteristics combining tree structure, to design the effective hash functions. The proposed middleware can reduce large amounts of data from readers by filtering duplicated data. Finally, we simulated the proposed data processing control schemes and revealed the good performance results.


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