  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 吳雅玲


本研究旨在探討屏東縣之亞國中品格教育實施現況之分析,以屏東縣之亞國中教師為研究對象,了解其品格教育實施現況。包含三個主要研究目的:一為暸解屏東縣之亞國中教師的品格教育之運作,包括方式、主題、時間等;二為暸解屏東縣之亞國中教師的品格教育之實施成效;三為暸解屏東縣之亞國中教師的品格教育之實施困境與限制。 研究方法分三階段進行:第一階段為蒐集相關文件資料,加以分析。第二階段為對之亞國中現任教師進行問卷調查研究。第三階段為對之亞國中推動品德教育課程相關行政人員進行訪談。期望據此描繪出屏東縣之亞國中品格教育實施之現況。 在研究發現與結果方面,分為三個面向來探討:首先是品格教育運作分析。根據問卷結果與訪談資料分析得知,教師們最常利用課堂時間實施品格教育,每週至少實施16-30分鐘。多數教師常使用是隨機教育來教導學生「尊重」的觀念。由於品格難以用紙筆測驗衡量,所以教師觀察是最常見的評量方法。學生若有良好表現,教師都會給予立即性的口頭獎勵。 其次是品格教育的實施成效分析。老師們認為品格教育的實施對於學生自我品格認知與學生常規的表現有顯著的提升,也有助於師生互動與提升學生的人際關係。除此之外,實施品格教育對於教師本身品格檢視亦有相當代的助益,也大大的提升了校園整體教學氣氛。 最後是品格教育實施的困境與限制分析。在教材層面,老師們認為品格教育要融入課程,對於某些學科,有一定程度的困難度。在時間層面,教師們認為實施品格教育實施的時間不足與不固定。在學校層面,大多數教師認為學校品格教育的實施流於形式,在計畫與執行上常有力不從心之感。在教師層面,大多數教師認為少數學生的偏差行為會打擊教師實施品格教育的信心。在社會層面,品格教育的實施常會受到媒體不客觀的報導所影響,也難以獲得社區與家長的全力支持。 透過上述研究結果與發現,本研究最後提出建議,供相關單位與研究者參考。 關鍵詞:品格教育、國中


品格教育 國中


The research is to analyze current character education practices in Jhih-ya junior high school in Pingtung county, including the implementation, efficacy, and restriction of the character education. Subjects are the teachers in the school Questionnaire surveys and interviews were used to collect data. The results are the following. First, the teachers often implement the character education during the classes, for at least 16 to 30 minutes a week. Most teachers adopt random education to teach students about “respect”. Since it is hard to estimate and evaluate character by paper and pen, the most common evaluation method is the teachers’ observation. When the students’ performance is fine, teachers give immediate praises. Secondly, teachers think implementing character education can significantly improve students’ character recognition and their normal behaviors. It also helps the interaction between teachers and students and improve the students’ relationship. Besides, implementing character education is beneficial for teachers to examine their own characters and greatly enhances the overall teaching atmosphere on the campus. Regarding the teaching materials, teachers think the character education should be blended into the courses. However, there is a certain difficulty for some subjects. As for the duration, teachers think the duration for implementation of character education is too short and not stable. For school, most teachers think the school practice is superficial and therefore they often feel less capable than desirable in terms of planning and execution. In the respect of teachers, most teachers think few students’ deviated behaviors will blow their confidence in carrying out character education. And in the respect of society, the implementation of character education is often influenced by biased media reports; therefore it is hard to gain the full support from communities and parents. Through the studies and findings, recommendations are provided at the end for the relevant organizations and researchers’ references. Key words: character education, junior high school


