  • 學位論文


Chair Construction with Bamboo-wood Joint

指導教授 : 江吉龍


為保留傳統竹管家具呈中空圓管狀之原竹特色,並輔以易塑形之實木相接合,以提昇竹材與實木相結合之結構穩定性工藝技巧,活絡竹家具設計之造形創意。本研究首先以形態分析之手法,歸納彙整出難以榫卯接合之竹管與木材結合之可能性接合形式;接著就此可能性接合形式進行試驗研究,採用 直交配列之田口式實驗計劃,就桂竹與不同比重之美西側柏、紅楠、柳桉等三種木材為材料,輔以竹釘與環氧膠合劑的接合條件,以拉伸引拔試驗探討座椅家具最佳接合性能之接合,並繼以此最佳接合形式實際製作竹管結合木材之座椅家具進行疲勞試驗評估驗證。茲就本研究試驗條件經分析討論所得結論如次: 1.對於中空圓管狀竹管特徵結合實木之座椅家具接合結構,應以竹管嵌入木材之插接形式最為妥適。 2.在竹管嵌入木材之插接形式的接合性能中,因使用具填縫性可提高緊密嵌合之環氧膠合劑,受含節與未含節竹材嵌入木部、竹釘強化的固定支數的影響較不明顯。 3.在竹管嵌入木材之插接形式的接合性能中,木材材種比重不宜低於0.5以下為宜,否則木材易受力開裂而降低接合性能。 4.在竹管嵌入木材之插接形式的接合性能中,雖然嵌入愈深性能愈佳,除受到鑽孔加工之深度限制外,仍以約為竹管直徑的1.5倍為宜,否則竹管易縱向劈裂之特性而降低接合性能。 5.以最佳竹管嵌入木材之插接接合的座椅扶手疲勞試驗中,通過扶手垂直與椅背水平疲勞檢測之驗證,應足以符合此扶手部位之接合性能。


In order to preserve the traditional bamboo column furniture to be looked like hollow type special feature of the source bamboo, assisted to joint with easy-shaped solid wood, to promote the handicraft techniques of structure stability which joint with bamboo, and even diversify the shaping creativity of the bamboo furniture design, this study firstly inducts with the method of morphological analysis, and synthesizes with the possible joint forms of the connection of hard to use tenon joint of bamboo column and solid wood. And then the author proceeds a testing study of its possible jointing forms, using orthogonal array of Taguchi’s Experiment. Take Makino bamboo and the three kinds of wood, Lauan, Red Machilus, and Western Red Cedar, which are of different specific gravity, for material, supported with jointing condition of bamboo pin-dowel and epoxy adhesive, and explore the best jointing function tensile withdrawal resistance and seat chair furniture, and continue to take this best jointing form to carry out a fatigue testing as an evaluation of this bamboo column combined with wood. Following are the conclusions through careful analysis and further discussion of this study: 1.For those jointing structures which hollow bamboo columns connect with wood, it’s best to embed the bamboo column and insert to joint with wood. 2.In the jointing process of bamboo embedding with wood, it’s better to use epoxy adhesive which contains high density of fitting element, it’s less influenced by bamboos with-node or without-node embedding with wood, and bamboo-pins to force fasten the joints. 3.In the jointing process of bamboo embedding with wood, the specific gravity of wood material should not be lower than 0.5, or the wood would be stressed and cracked and lower its adhesive function. 4.In the jointing process of bamboo embedding with wood, though the deeper, the better is the embedding, yet there is a limit of drilling depth of the hole; the depth is better with 1.5 time of the diameter of the bamboo column, or it might crack vertically and lower its adhesive function. 5.Under the fatigue testing of the chair arm, using the best construction with bamboo-wood joint, and it is testified that the verticality of the chair arm and the horizontality of the chair back is matched, it is supposed to say that the adhesive function of the chair arm is sufficiently confirmed.


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