  • 學位論文


Design and Evaluation of Computer Aid Instructional Dynamically Vocabulary Broadcasting System

指導教授 : 孟祥仁


摘 要 學號:N9870012 論文名稱:電腦輔助教學動態字彙廣播系統設計與評估 總頁數:116頁 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 所別:技術及職業教育研究所 畢業時間及摘要別:99學年度第 2 學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:陳朝賢 指導教授:孟祥仁副教授 論文摘要: 近年來,結合大腦結構與學習理論是數位學習領域很熱門的研究議題。許多專家指出記憶性的知識學習效率取決於大腦海馬迴結構的刺激程度,而如何有效連結課本知識與海馬迴結構的刺激有賴於教學輔助工具的設計。在本論文中我們在多人學習環境下設計具動態客製化內容之英文字彙廣播系統(EVBS),此系統可以讓英文教師為學生增加學習字彙的效率。設計此系統,教師可以自行設計一個具動態調整廣播模式的字彙廣播節目,讓大部分學生學習生疏的字彙大於已經熟悉的字彙之廣播頻率提高。 本研究目的是: 一、 探討學生EVBS最適切教學模式。 二、 驗證EVBS穩定性。 三、 探討使用者對EVBS之科技接受程。 四、 探討使用者對EVBS之路徑分析。 本研究第一階段採用田口方法(Taguchi methods)的直交表(Orthogonal Array)作為實驗分析,依據描述性統計分析、穩健式設計分析、單因子變異數分析、相依樣本,進行統計檢定。本研究第二階段針對EVBS進行使用意願接受度調查,分別針對線上使用者進行網路問卷調查,問卷調查的對象主要以教師、學生、社會人士為取樣對象。採網路問卷取樣方式,經取樣後其樣本數共有202人,有效問卷共202份。所獲得的資料,以敘述統計(descriptive statistics)、獨立樣本t檢定(t-test, independent samples)、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA) 、獨立樣本單因子多變異數分析(MANOVA)、事後比較(post hoc method)、迴歸分析(regression analysis)等統計方法,再以SPSS 17.0統計軟體進行分析結果,其重要研究結果如下: 一、透過田口方法(Taguchi methods)的直交表(Orthogonal Array)作為實驗分析之依據,得知穩健式設計提供最佳品質設計之依據。 二、學生經由EVBS實驗過程後,無論是前測成績和後測成績皆達顯著,即學生的英文學習成效有達顯著,所以對學生而言使用EVBS學習成效有顯著的進步。 三、在「不同身分別」、「具備資訊管理專長」等背景變項上,對受訪者「使用EVBS的接受度」皆有顯著差異。其中又以教師的接受度高於學生;教師的接受度高於社會人士,具備資訊管理專長的接受度高於沒有具備資訊管理專長。 四、在路徑分析結果可知,由因果關係影響徑路圖中,路徑係數可以看出共有二條路徑,分別為路徑一(H1):為易用性、有用性同時→使用意願;路徑二(H2):支持與訓練、易用性→有用性。所以我們了解到EVBS中「支持與訓練」、「易用性」、「有用性」、「使用意願」等任兩者有正向的關係存在。 利用動態網頁程式技術,只要具有網際網路存在的地方皆可使用此系統。因此,此系統可以允許全國的教師進行教材的分享,更有助於離島及偏遠地區的英文教育推廣。 關鍵字:電腦多媒體、EVBS、海馬迴結構、科技接受程度


Abstract Student ID: N9870012 Title of Thesis: Design and Evaluation of Computer Aid Instructional Dynamically Vocabulary Broadcasting System Total Pages: 116 National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Department/Graduate Institute : The Graduate Institute of Technological and Vocational Education Date of Graduation: June, 2011 Degree Conferred: Master Degree Name of Student: Chao-Hsien Chen Advisor: Dr. Hsiang-jen Meng Abstract: Recently, the researches that combine the study of brain structures and theories of learning have been very popular in the field of digital learning. Many experts have pointed out that the efficiency of learning depends on the degree of stimulation upon hippocampus. In the meantime, the computer-aided teaching tool plays an important role on transferring textbook-knowledge into stimulation upon hippocampus. In this article, we are going to discuss about the English vocabulary broadcasting system (EVBS), a computer-aided teaching tool that we designed for a group learning environment to increase the efficiency of vocabulary learning. The design of this system allows teaches to customize their own suitable programs for the students by adjusting the broadcasting frequency of unfamiliar and familiar vocabularies. The goal of this research include: 1. Finding out how to customize the most suitable programs for students. 2. To examine the stability of EVBS 3. Discuss the degree of acceptance of EVBS. 4. Explore the path analysis of users using EVBS. For the first part of the research, the Orthogonal Array of Taguchi method is applied to analyze the results. Based on descriptive statistics, the analysis of the robust design is validated by one-way ANOVA. The second part of the research focuses on investigating the degree of acceptance of the EVBS. 202 participants from three major groups —teachers, students, and the community are participated in this study. The data is draw from an online questionnaire and the total number of valid samples is 202. The result is analyzed using SPSS 17.0 based on descriptive statistics methods such as t-test, one-way ANOVA, MANOVA, post hoc method, and regression analysis. The following results are found: 1. Using the Orthogonal Array of Taguchi methods, the robust design is the best method for customizing the most suitable programs. 2. After experiencing the EVBS, students’ pre-test and post-test are both significantly improved. Therefore, the EVBS is proven to significantly enhance students’ vocabulary learning efficiency. 3. The two independent variables, “groups” and “information management ability”, have each significantly affect the dependent variable, which is the “acceptance of EVBS.” The degree of EVBS acceptance of teachers is significantly higher than the degree of students and of the community. Also, the degree of EVBS acceptance of participants who are experienced in information management is higher then of those who are not experienced. 4. Based on the path diagram analysis from relationship of cause and effect, two paths are obtained by using path coefficients, including: (H1) "usability" and "usefulness" affect "use intension"; (H2) "support and training" and "usability" affect "usefulness". Therefore, we can conclude that there exists a positive correlation between “support and traning”, " usability", "usefulness", and "use intension". Since that EVBS is developed with the technology of dynamic web programming (that is, PHP with MySQL), it can be used at any place where internet access is available. Thus, the system allows teachers nationwide to share their information and material. This characteristic will further help to pervade English education to the off-shore islands and the rural area of the nation. Keywords:computer multimedia, EVBS, hippocampal structures, the degree of concern, technology acceptance


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