  • 學位論文


The Research of Adolescents Social Capital and Well-being in Pingtung County as Examples

指導教授 : 趙善如


隨著世界對兒童少年權益被實踐的重視,不論是國際或是國內都已開始關心與調查兒童少年生活福祉之現況。本研究旨在探究目前少年生活福祉之現況之外,進一步以社會資本(social capital)為基礎,探討社會資本對其生活福祉之可能影響,找出影響少年生活福祉之預測因子,做為改善少年相關政策與服務方案之參考。藉由量化研究方法,採用分層非比例抽樣方法,以國中、高中(職)之少年為研究母體,抽取國中生587名,高中(職)493名,共收回1,080份,回收率高達100%,經過統計資料的分析,本研究以屏東縣少年社會資本現況、生活福祉現況、少年生活福祉預測因子以及少年生活福祉之模型建構等四個研究發現說明如下: ㄧ、屏東縣少年社會資本現況 (一)屏東縣少年家庭內社會資本現況 1.少年的家庭互動資本是相對缺乏的。 2.族群與家庭內社會資本並無顯著差異存在以及父親就業情形與家庭內社會資本有顯著相關。 (二)屏東縣少年家庭外社會資本現況 1.少年社區參與是相對低落。 2.族群與家庭外社會資本存在顯著性差異以及父親就業與否與家庭外社會資本沒有相關。 二、屏東縣少年生活福祉之現況 (一)健康和安全與主觀幸福感是少年目前最不滿意。 (二)家中經濟狀況是生活福祉重要有顯著差異。 (三)家庭結構對少年生活福祉是重要的影響因素。 三、少年生活福祉預測因子 (一)族群(以原住民為對照組)、兄弟姊妹數為物質的負向預測因子。 (二)家庭內社會資本的家中人際互動、家人對少年的關注以及家庭外社會資本的社區鄰里關係、少年同儕關係、少年師生關係為整體生活福祉之重要正向預測因子。 四、少年生活福祉之模型建構 (一)少年的家庭內社會資本愈多,其家庭外社會資本愈足夠。 (二)家庭內社會資本對生活福祉的影響是沒有顯著效果。 (三)家庭外社會資本對生活福祉的影響具有顯著的正向關係。 (四)家庭外社會資本對家庭內社會資本與生活福祉的影響具有中介效果存在的影響。 因此,根據上述研究發現,分成五個層面提出建議:首先,對於少年本身,鼓勵少年積極與家人互動以及主動參與社區活動,並且應重視自身的生活福祉,尤其是在健康和安全與主觀幸福感;第二,對於少年家庭,可透過家庭互動規範、行為強化家中人際互動,並且鼓勵家中少年結交不同成人關係中的人生「導師」;第三,對於社會福利機構,提供原住民鄉以及弱勢家庭物質福利服務和多元的學習機會,並且注重「青少年發展取向」之青年福利工作;第四,對於社會福利政策,建議建構校園學習環境友善性,增加弱勢少年的休閒活動之補助及公立育樂場所,並且擬訂少年發展性、預防性的服務政策;最後,對於未來研究,建議研究對象可以擴展到全國、問卷施測須避開五月份……等,期能有助於日後少年生活福祉政策擬訂及修正之參考。


社會資本 生活福祉 少年


Along with an emphasis on children and adolescent’ s rights and interests worldwide, people begin to care about and investigate current well-being of this group both home and abroad. This research aims at studying present situations about adolescent’s well-being, discussing influences of social capital on their well-being, and finding out predictive factors of well-being so as to provide a reference for improving adolescent policies and service programs. With adolescent from junior, senior and vocational high schools as study population, this research adopts quantitative research and disproportionate stratified sampling, 587 students of junior high school and 493 from senior/vocational high school are selected, 1080 questionnaires are finished, representing a high response rate of 100%. Through an analysis of statistical data, this research describes its findings about adolescent’s current social capital, current well-being, predictive factors of well-being, and model construction of well-being in Pingtung County: 1. Current social capital of adolescent in Pingtung County 1.1 Current “social capital in the family” of adolescent in Pingtung County 1.1.1 Adolescent are relatively deficient in family interaction. 1.1.2 There is no significant difference between “ethnic” and “social capital in the family”; “father’s employment” is significantly related to “social capital in the family”. 1.2 Current “social capital outside the family” of adolescent in Pingtung County 1.2.1 Adolescent are relatively low in community participation. 1.2.2 No significant difference exist between “ethnic” and “social capital outside the family”; “father’s employment” is uncorrelated with “social capital outside the family”. 2. Current situations about well-being of adolescent in Pingtung County 2.1 Presently, adolescent are least satisfied with “heath and safety” and “subjective well-being”. 2.2 Family financial status makes well-being differ significantly. 2.3 Family structure is an important factor that affects adolescent’ s well-being. 3. Predictive factors of adolescent’ s well-being 3.1 Negative predictive factors of material include ethnic groups (with aboriginals as controlled group) and number of brothers and sisters. 3.2 Positive predictors include factors of “social capital in the family”- interpersonal interaction of the family and family member’s attention to adolescent-as well as factors of “social capital outside the family”-community neighborhood, adolescent’ s peer relationship and teacher-student relationship. 4. Model construction of adolescent’ s well-being 4.1 Adolescent’ s “social capital outside the family” is more sufficient if they have more “social capital in the family”. 4.2 “Social capital in the family” has no significant positive impact on well-being. 4.3 “Social capital outside the family” has a significant positive impact on well-being. 4.4 The influence of “social capital outside the family” on “social capital in the family” and “well-being” presents a intervening effect. Therefore, this research puts forward five suggestions according to above findings: firstly, encourage adolescent to interact with family members, actively participate in community activities and value well-being, especially health, safety and subjective well-being. Secondly, in terms of adolescent’ s family, we should strengthen interpersonal interaction through family interaction norm and behavior, and encourage adolescent to consort with life “mentor” in different relationships with adults. Thirdly, social welfare institutions should provide aboriginal and disadvantaged families with material welfare services and diversified learning chances, and emphasize on “teenagers’ development orientation”. Fourthly, concerning social welfare policy, it’s suggested to increase subsidy for disadvantaged youths’ leisure activities and public amusement places as well as stipulate developmental and preventive service policies for adolescent. Finally, future researches should expand the study objects to nationwide and never implement questionnaire investigation in May, etc. This research hopes to help provide a reference for drawing up and modifying policies about adolescent’s well-being in the future.


social capital well-being adolescent


林容殿、賴淑萍、鄭佩泠、 湯馥君(2006)。營養教育介入對運動減重學童體適能之影響。中華民國營養學會雜誌。


