  • 學位論文


A Study of Consumers’ Vegetarian Food Labeling Preference and Satisfaction

指導教授 : 黃文琪


隨著素食飲食人口增加,市面上為方便消費者產生不同素食加工食品,而由於消費者選擇的素食型態,依據背景不同有所差異的;為避免選購時籠統標示素食可用,造成消費者選購的不便,政府已制定素食標示規定。然而若能夠了解消費者對該規定的滿意程度是否因不同背景,而有不同的滿意度,業者從而得以將不滿意部分加以調整為消費者所偏好的標示方法,有助於行銷。 本研究探討消費者對素食標示偏好及其滿意度,採用網路問卷調查法,以消費者為研究對象,依滿意度及偏好各一份問卷,對不同消費者進行調查,各取得398份及414份有效問卷,經由敘述性統計、信效度檢定、t 檢定與單因子變異數分析、交叉分析後,得到研究結論如下:對素食標示不同清楚情況及素食型態消費者對素食標示滿意度有顯著差異。整體上消費者對素食標示政府已規定部分較滿意,對未規定及目前市面上的標示方向較不滿意。消費者偏好素食標示要統一樣式、位置、比例大小。消費者偏好散裝食品及餐飲食品等非包裝食品要標示素食種類。本研究根據結論,提出下列建議:政府及關切素食標示規定的團體加強素食標示宣導。素食食品生產業同業工會相關組織,可對素食標示的樣式、位置、比例大小做統一性宣導,讓市面上素食標示統一。素食標示設計要考量到素食標示內容有五種,其容易辨識度是消費者在意的。


素食 滿意度 素食標示設計


As the increase of the population having vegetarian diets, there are various processed vegetarian food on the market for the convenience of vegetarian consumers. Nevertheless, because of the differences of the background of different vegetarians, they also choose different types of vegetarian products. In order to avoid the loose definitions of vegetarian labeling, Taiwanese government has formulated a set of regulations for the labeling of vegetarian food. After a year of the implementation of these regulations, how do consumers consider their satisfactory levels? Are their satisfactory levels varied according to different backgrounds? It will be beneficial to marketing if food manufacturers and merchants can alter the ways of identifying into customers’ favorite ones. This research investigated consumers’ vegetarian food labeling preferences and satisfaction. It adopted online questionnaires. The research participants are food consumers. One questionnaire is for satisfactory and the other one is for preferences, and the valid questionnaire numbers are 398 and 414. After the analysis of the research, use Reliability, Crosstabulation, T-test, One-way ANOVA, the conclusions are as following: 1. There is a significant difference between the vegetarian food labeling satisfactory of their different characteristics. 2. In general, the consumers are more satisfied with the parts of labeling which are under the government regulations, and are less satisfied with those labels which are out of government regulations and now on market. 3. The consumers prefer vegetarian food labeling to be united with their patterns, positions, and size proportion. 4. The consumers prefer non-packed food, such as bulk food and meal, to have vegetarian labeling. According to the conclusions, the researcher would like to give the following suggestions: 1. The government and organizations concerning vegetarian food labeling should stress the propaganda of food labeling. 2. Vegetarian Food Manufacturing Union and its related organizations may consistently propagate the unity of patterns, positions, and size proportion of vegetarian labeling. 3. The design of vegetarian food labels should consider there are five classifications of labeling, and the clarity is usually cared for the consumers.




