  • 學位論文


Studies on control of cucumber powdery mildew in organic farming

指導教授 : 陳滄海


花胡瓜為台灣重要蔬果之一,幾乎全年均可栽種,然而自栽培初期即可能會受到白粉病菌(Podosphaera fusca)的危害,若無妥善防治,後期對於花胡瓜產量及品質均造成嚴重影響。本研究之目的在評估有機資材、中藥及植物水萃取液對有機栽培花胡瓜之白粉病的防治效果。利用花胡瓜子葉測試2種商品化之油劑、4種商品化之微生物製劑、9種植物水萃取液及17種中藥水萃取液對白粉病之防治效果顯示,中藥大黄、虎杖、三七、決明子稀釋200倍水萃取液對子葉白粉病防治效果最好,防治率均可高達98.3%以上;其次為葵無露稀釋200倍之防治率為53.4%;而微生物製劑及植物水萃取液防治效果較差,其防治率均低於19.5%。溫室盆栽試驗結果顯示,中藥大黃、虎杖及三七稀釋200倍水萃取液之防治率均可達62.3%以上,在其稀釋1000倍時,防治率亦可達53.6%以上;葵無露亦可有效防治白粉病,其防治率為48.5%。於溫室測試不同濃度之亞磷酸水溶液對白粉病之防治效果中,以濃度稀釋500倍防治白粉病效果最好,其防治率可達62.6%,濃度高於500倍以上時,易產生藥害;亞磷酸處理花胡瓜下位5片葉之試驗結果顯示亞磷酸具有誘導系統性抗病之效果,此系統性抗病可維持約14天。葵無露200倍、亞磷酸500倍及三七1000倍萃取液同步於溫室及田間進行白粉病防治測試,溫室測試其防治效果顯著,於第五週之防治率分別達到60.1%、74.0%及59.7%;田間試驗結果,以葵無露之防治效果最好,於前4週均可維持約40.0%之防治率,於第5週後防治效果較不理想,防治率降低為21.5%;亞磷酸及三七僅於前3週可控制白粉病,防治率分別為27.9%、40.4%,於第4週後防治效果降低至20.0%、21.8%。綜合以上結果,建議於設施有機栽培中,可選用亞磷酸、葵無露及中藥大黃、虎杖及三七水萃取液來防治花胡瓜白粉病;露天栽培可選用葵無露防治白粉病,但需注意氣候等外在因素,以避免影響防治效果。


Cucumber is a very important vegetable and cultivated almost year-round in Taiwan. Powdery mildew is a widespread disease in greenhouse and on field and caused large yield losses. So far, the chemical pesticides were commonly used to control powdery mildew effectively, but they resulted in environmental pollution and the food safety problem that caused by pesticides residues. The research had tested several organic materials, plant aqueous extracts and Chinese herb aqueous extracts to control cucumber powdery mildew. The first, 200x aqueous extracts of Chinese rhubarb, knotweed, tienchi and sicklepod, showed the 98.3% control rate at least. The second, sunflower oil 200x, showed the 53.4% control rate. The microorganism medicament and plant aqueous extracts was less effective, those control rate were less than 19.5%, in respectively. In the greenhouse test, the control rate of Chinese rhubarb, knotweed and tienchi, 200x and 1000x aqueous extracts were more than 62.3% and 53.6% respectively, and the control rate of sunflower oil was 48.5%. Phosphorous acid solution at all tested dilution on controlled cucumber powdery mildew, the dilution at 500x was effective with the 62.6% control rate, and caused plant injury easily when the dilution lower then 500x. The systemic resistance to cucumber powdery mildew was induced by application lower five leaves with phosphorous acid solution and the systemic resistance could maintain about 14 days. The sunflower oil 200x, phosphorous acid solution 500x and tienchi 1000x were used to control cucumber powdery mildew in the greenhouse and field, simultaneously. The results showed the control rate of 60.1%, 74.0% and 59.7% in greenhouse at fifth week, respectively. Sunflower oil 200x was efficacy to control cucumber powdery mildew in field, the control rate was 40.0% before the fifth week, but the control rate was reduced to 21.5% at the fifth week. The phosphorous acid solution and tienchi were less effective that showed the 20.0% and 21.8% control rate at the fourth week, respectively. As the results, the sunflower oil, phosphorous acid solution and Chinese rhubarb, knotweed and tienchi, aqueous extracts were suggested to control cucumber powdery mildew in greenhouse. Sunflower oil also could be used in the field to control powdery mildew, but must be attentive that the control effect could be reduced by weather factors.


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